This hotel I recently discovered and it is located just end of our house.
Price: 65 pounds per night
价格: 65英镑一晚,在伦敦算是便宜的,加上奢华的酒店格调,值得推荐!
Style: fantastic old Victoria house with huge garden, and modern, luxury decoration.
Location: Zone 2 (10 minutes to Zone 1) next to Stepney Green Station (district line)
地点:在Zone 2,距离市中心10分钟,出Stepney Green车站 2份钟
Ranking: 6 stars (绝对6星级)
It is a boutique hotel in town, style, modern, and English style. My friends had lived there before. Highly recommended.
Price is £99-230, depends on the room.
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