Muse In Hong Kong

Muse In HK

Last Saturday we went to Hong Kong to see Muse play in concert. It was one of the most amazing live concerts I’ve ever seen, and over six thousand people came to see them at the Asiaworld Expo centre.

We went there about 7 o’clock (concert starts at 8pm) and already fans were queuing up and hoping to get a good position. The setting was perfect, with stars on be the background just like “starlight”. The drummer sitting in the middle, Matt standing on the left, and base guitar on the right. There was very little space between the stage and fans so the early queuers got a real treat.

Muse played most of the new album, with a good selection of earlier music (including one from the first album). Matt Bellamy is an extraordinarily musician and singer, leaping from guitar to piano without blinking. The crowd feedback peaked during “Time is running out” with everyone joining in. The last song saw five giant balloons descend from the sky, with everyone trying to jump and hit them. There is no doubt that they deserved the award for Best Live Band at the Brits, as well as Best British Band from NME.

2 hours passed far too quickly. I didn’t expect Muse would be such a big hit in Hong Kong, but everyone was very energetic and responsive. Being on the small side I didn’t see as much as I would like, and often found myself being crushed by jumping guys, stepping on my feet and swinging their sweat next to me. Beside that everyone was awesome and you could feel their love of the music.

It was an outstanding concert to watch and I’m glad I went. Even though Jazz has an irreplaceable place in my heart, Rock is now part of my rebellion and I wish more concerts will be held in Hong Kong (even better, in Guangzhou) so we can appreciate talented musicians. Their music is a work of art.

Here is their MySpace


我们大约7点就到了那里,(演唱会8点开始)歌迷朋友们已早早坐在地上排队,想抢先霸个好位。一进去舞台灯光都设定好了,主调为紫蓝色,许多星星作为背景,就像他们首歌“Starlight”,台中是鼓手Dominic Howard,主唱Matthew Bellamy在左手边,贝斯Chris Wolstenholme站在右边,观众和乐队几乎没有任何距离,伸手就可以摸到主唱Matt了;

Muse 演绎了大部分新歌,也有之前的作品,主唱Matt不能不说佩服阿,他的双手简直就是六指神功,虽电子吉他是他的强项,弹钢琴也不示弱,他多数闭着眼,与音乐融和一体;最高潮的还是当他唱 “时间在流失”, 歌迷各个都又唱又跳,气氛达到极点;还有一首慢歌的时候,Muse叫大家举起手机在空中,气氛感为浪漫; Muse的唱功和现场的表演, 当之无愧拿到 “ 英国最佳现场表演奖”和 “NME 英国最受欢迎的乐队奖”。

2个小时的精彩演出过得真快, 我想不到Muse会在香港那么受欢迎, 去看演出的多数是有爱摇滚的年轻人, 也有很多不同年龄层次喜欢他们音乐的歌迷, 大家都是那么的激情, 疯狂 与超级兴奋; 对我来说, 个子小远远吃亏, 站着都被人头淹没( 幸好香港歌迷多数个子和我差不多, 假如在外国,无法想象), 幸好和Muse的距离还不远; 另外,站在我们旁边的几位超级疯狂的年轻人一直都蹦上蹦下的甩着他们的头, 不仅把汗水甩到我们身上, 也不停的踩我的脚, 虽然摇滚本来就是应该这样,但老兄,你也要顾及他人, 不能一味自己享受, 就忘记还有别人的存在。

太兴奋我们去看了Muse的精彩现场演唱会,虽我还是情有独钟爵士,可以说爵士是反映我的个性,但摇滚是反映我内心的反叛; 真希望多点不同类型音乐的将在香港演出,当然最好能在广州,不过不知道广州会不会和香港一样疯狂;Muse绝对是顶级的音乐创作人,他们的音乐是也是一种艺术。

5 thoughts on “Muse In Hong Kong

  1. Mmm…I do not think that I will fancy The Cure Band. They were famous in the 80s, a little too early for me. But The Killers is my type. They are good. If they will visit HK, I will definately go there.

  2. aha,finally got to see this website,I was searching pics of that live show,i just couldnt forget the night.:p
    Well done the report!I heard rumor saying they’d come to China again next year,cant wait!
    The Cure is great!I’m so sorry to have missed them in HK this time because i had spent all of my money on Brett Anderson’s gig and the following beijing pop festival:p

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