Fashion Magazine—VOGUE

VOGUE was hit in China in August 15th; so we got the firstVOGUE CHINA magazine in China. We can see that all of the fashion designers are focussing on China;Giorgio Armani visited Shanghai and will open more Armani shops in China and they know we have a lot of potential in the future. We all know China needs more enterprises and different cultural influences. Meanwhile, I hope China will be become more cosmopolitan, like HK, which can accept different nationalities.

Back to the fashion Magazine, ELLE and COSMOPOLITAN it’s all women’s favorite dessert. You can go surf online at VOGUE or the China vogue. I visited both of them. It’s cool and simple to see the fashion show and latest fashion trends online. For all the fashionable women and men, it’s nice to see all the clothes and shoes. I suggest you look when you are tired or need a break at work; take a coffee or tea and surf on Vogue, it will stimulate your nerves and this colorful stimulation will make you feel better during the day. There are many parts and styles for you to choose and to match your fashion desire.

VOGUE 在中国开办了第一本杂志, 8月15号华丽登场在华南地区。我们有了第一本中国VOGUE杂志。我们可想而知很多国际时装大师都陆续到中国举行发布会,像前一次 George Armani 就来到上海开更多的店。中国无可否认都是国际上时装大师看中发展奢侈品的地方。我们都希望我们中国能吸引多点不同外资企业或不同文化伴随中国成长。同时我也希望将来中国能成为国际性大都市,或像香港一样能容纳不同国籍的人士。但这无须都需要时间。中国现在就像个小孩一样,需要很多世界的导师带着她成长。

回到杂志上,〈〈中国时尚杂志〉〉〈〈柯梦〉〉都是我们女性杂志的甜点。我们对它爱不释手。现在你可以在网上看VOGUE 和中国的VOGUE 网站,很简单都就能在网站看到2005最新的时装发布会。我建议假如你在一天工作中累了,拿别咖啡或茶,刺激你眼部神经和脑部神经放松下,看多点鲜艳夺目的时装show,劳逸结合,让你工作更胜一筹。也让你爱好流行时装的欲望直线上升。

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