Iphone 3G


John decided to buy the Iphone 3G from O2. He chose 16G instead of the 8G, because it is faster and have more memory. According to the rumors, the Iphone will be released a new version without 3G in China very soon. It will be interesting to see, of course, no one can ignore the big Chinese market nowadays. Some people are also saying that Iphone will have a super version this summer. John can upgrade to the new version, and then the 3G will be mine. Haha…can not wait! After using it, everything is so simple and easy to use. You can use it for google maps, ipod, Internet, messages, camera and everything can be connected with an Apple computer.

I have to say after using an Apple computer, you will become addicted and become an Apple person!

约翰终于在O2买了iphone 3G,内存16G的,他之前问我怎么样?我大力支持他买iphone,除了外形漂亮,实在十分使用,又可以讲电话,听音乐,(看来我们的黑色nano又要卖掉了),又可以上网,3G 定位系统,开车最方便。他还下载了很多使用的软件,比如走到哪里就可以查到最好吃的餐馆,就想带着小型的电脑一样。实在太方便了。对他这种超级喜欢科技的人,iphone最实用不过。听说iphone要在中国推出新的iphone,但没有3G的定位系统,当然不能忽视中国这个大市场拉,人们消费能力这么强!绝对支持!

自从用了苹果机的电脑和ipod之后,太爱苹果的东西了,从设计,功能,和使用性来说,微软远远没有能比苹果的。我们是苹果的超级fans! 听内部消息说,iphone这个夏天6-7月要升级,约翰说一升级,他再买新的,3G的就属于我的。哈哈,快点升级阿。iphone超级好用啊!我开心的又照了几张照片

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