Riding boat and bicycle in Lee Valley

happy weekend

Melanie and Paul came to London to catch up with us and friends at the weekend. At Saturday, we walked down to Regent Canal next to Mile End (my university) for 1 hour to reach the Broadway Market in Hackney, which is like borough market selling fresh home-made food and cakes, and different items. It is a lively trendy area, and there are many young fellows always hanging out in the market.

Paul and Mel loved the atmosphere and so many fresh food we wanted to eat and buy. Paul brought a sandwich with German sausage. For me, I went for a big beef burger, and John and Mel went to queue for the fancy veggie burgers. Afterwards, we all brought some cheese cake and stuff ourselves.

It was a great lunch and I always love to being there. Then we walked to Angel and rested with some drink, then back home relaxing. In that night all of us went to eat in a restaurant called Project A next to the canal with Paul’s friends, later evening, all head to the pub in Hoxton.

With the big sunny hot day, we decided to head to Lee valley to do some outdoor sports. First, we had our picnic in the private garden, then riding a boat for an hour. The funny things was I had never riding a boat before, and I was really bad with it. Paul and John seems got it ok and we had some laugh and enjoyed the sunbath.

One hour later, we rode the bicycle next to the canal. Surprisedly, Mel got bitten by wasp! Poor Mel. That was an amazing weekend and all of us had a great time. Here is the latest pictures.

约翰妹妹梅乐尼和男友Paul来周末来伦敦,我们带他们去百老会新鲜市场,沿着我学校的河边走乐1个多小时,终于到了市场,看着很多新鲜的食物和蛋糕,我们都流口水拉。 Paul决定吃德国香肠三文治,我却选择了牛肉汉堡包。梅乐尼和约翰选择了超级受欢迎的素食汉堡包,梅乐尼说,那个汉堡包是她吃过最好吃的!然后我们大家又买了芝士蛋糕,吃到好饱好饱!


这周又热又大太阳,隔天我们决定开车去我们之前去过的lee valley骑单车和野餐!先野餐填饱肚子,然后去租了划艇,我的划艇技术实在太差了,所以该为约翰和Paul一起努力划艇!然后买了雪糕吃,再骑单车。可怜的梅乐尼被蜜蜂叮了下,害得她又疼又哭笑不得。这样我们就结束了一个休闲的周末拉。这里有我们些照片看!

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