Principles of Life(生活的原则)

What are your principles? You may not have thought about it so directly. Principles are what you think is right and wrong. They are the rules that guide you. They are what tells you if it’s right to steal, even though no one will ever know. Whether it’s right to cheat, even though no one will ever find out. Whether it’s right to hurt someone just because you can.

Principles are not only for yourself, they are for your family, for your society, and for your country. I’ve read in the news that China’s economy is becoming stronger and that our life is getting better and better, but when people in other countries still think that our products and our reputation is cheap; that we copy everything, make fake products, pirate DVD, then I wonder how much credibility we really have.

I am positive that our country and some people have made tremendous contributions to China. Take Haier and Shanghai Tang as examples. They’ve both become international Chinese brands. China needs more enterprises like these, more to increase not only our economy, but also our standing in the world.

Sometimes I feel bad about the way we are perceived. A lot of the time the problem is one of principles. People like the easy way to make more money; to make their life more enjoyable; to not work so hard like others. Some people think it’s the smart way, and they believe it’s the most efficient way. They lose their principles or faith when they face the temptation.

Principles also affect our everyday life. Do you work hard because you want to succeed, or do you secretly hope that someone will come and rescue you so you don’t need to do anything? What make your life not empty, so that you are not like someone who has lost their faith and just joins the big crowd? Principles can make you not just like toys or animals. They can make you feel like you have a brain and wisdom to think what is right and what is wrong.

To be in this new generation brings with it new responsibilities. We have better education, a more international culture; we have our own thoughts and our own dream to pursue. We can do better than our parents. However, should we focus only on material gains? Is a new car, house, or TV the road to happiness? Our principles may cause us to ask ‘what can I do for my country?’ As well as taking from the country we need to give back to it. We need to ensure that while we grow economically strong it is not at the expense of reputation. Life is not just about taking; it’s also about giving.

I will try and make sure I stick to my principles.



有没有生活的原则,这小到个人道德的问题,再到你家庭教育的问题,大到影响到中国社会的原则。虽近年来,中国的经济实力增长无可否认,人民生活水平也有所提高,但说到中国的名声及产品,给外国人的第一印象还是产品不精致,便宜,仿冒,造假,盗版光碟及信用度不高等;像最出名的(Google-谷歌)中国的版本(Baidu-百度) ICQ变到中国几亿人口都在用的腾讯QQ;站在我们的角度,不是说提倡中国版本不好,外国版本中国化,改装到更适合中国人喜欢的版本,更贴中国人的心;但对外国人来说,不仅是侵犯到他们的版权及名誉问题,还盗用他们的研发劳动成果。






作为新人类的你我,都受过更好的教育背景,甚至成长在国际文化中,我们都有自己的思想, 自己的梦想去追逐。我们要做的比我们父母那一代更好。当我们有了自己的事业,自己的财产,不只是关注在你的物质和消费上,现代的文化迫使我们成为一个追逐物质文化的机器,新衣服,新电视,新车,新房子,原来幸福只是建立在购物上。我们对这个社会,这个地球贡献了更多的什么?

我们需要多点为中国作贡献,让它成为强国,不只是让它经济成为强过, 还要建立好它的生活氛围,它的文化,它的信誉,它的诚信,让世界各地的人都尊重中国,觉得用中国东西好,质量高,可以依靠,给世界的人知道中国的美德,五千年的美德它留下很多让我学习,也留下很多成为我们的包袱;我们要取其精华,去其糟粕。



6 thoughts on “Principles of Life(生活的原则)

  1. totally support~
    我想起看Sex and City的时候,有一个场面是Samantha买了A货的皮包,然后说里面写的是Made in China.当时我感觉很气愤,很受羞辱… 改变别人对我们国人的印象,确是任重道远,那么就从你我做起吧。

    It reminds me when I watched Sex and the City; there was a spot where Samantha bought a fake Fendi Bag, then it said Made in China. When I watched it, I felt so angry and ashamed as well. We should start from ourselves to change china’s image.

  2. Yes, all by myself. I wrote it English first, then translate into Chinese. Thank you the special friend to inspire me this topic. It’s quite meaningful to let all the people realize something we might not think of it before.

  3. I will live for the poem and music forever. That is my life’s principle. I like your english article. Thanks so much for sharing your thought and your emotion .

  4. yes,these principles of life always made us feel unhappy even upset, but during the time you fail or you undertake the miseriabe life, you will understand how important the principles affect us.

  5. Sometime it’s so sad that being a Chinese with the Chinese passport you hardly can go anywhere. It’s very difficult to apply the visa for many countries with the Chinese passport, because we got the bad reputation that Chinese people might sneak out into other countries. I do hope our country could be more strong and earn the respect from other countries, then it will be benefit for the Chinese citizen at last.


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