My First Day in London

paris hilton in london

Today I am writing from London. I arrived at Heathrow airport after 12 hours flying with British Airway. BA was great with money and services. I arrived at terminal 5, which is very new and I have heard some negative news – unluckily I experienced it too. I was met at the airport and entered an elevator which then got stuck. We pressed the emergency button and the staff helped us to restart the system.

Leaving the airport we took the London Metro, known as ‘The Tube’. My first impressions are that it is very small, especially compared with Hong Kong and Guangzhou. I’m told that the metro is over 100 years old, so maybe that explains it, and would certainly explain the lack of air conditioning.

We arrived at John’s new two-floor house where he has his own garden and parking place. As a city girl, I have never experienced living in a house with two floors. I walked through the garden and entered the house to find it is stylish, modern, cozy and most importantly, feels like a proper home. I will take some pictures to show later.

We walked around the local area and then went Oxford Street. While there we entered Selfridges, a very big department store, where we amazingly saw Paris Hilton promoting a new perfume. Paris is so tall and slim and was surrounded by a lot of people. Wow, I thought it was so cool and the first time for me to see a celebrity in real life.

Anyway, in the afternoon we also went to Sainsburys supermarket to buy some food. There are lots and lots of different kinds of food from all over the world, food selections and they are far to expensive if you convert to RMB. For example, vegetables in China are generally only a few yuan while here they are many times more expensive. However, you can’t think like that as you are comparing different countries and different standards of living.

It is exciting, exhausting, and very strange to explore London. I have seen I saw a lot of stylish and chic people walking the street. I’ve seen many different types of interesting people and I am still not used to hear so many people speaking British accent around me. Right now I’m still overwhelmed with everything and my body is too excited to feel any jet lag.

The weather was hot and sunny until the day I arrived, then it was chilly and cold. I didn’t expect this after leaving hot and humid Guangzhou. Another difference I’ve noticed is that you can see daylight until about 10 PM. They have long daylight in summer, but short daylight in winter. I guess everyone like more daylight!

John has booked the Delays concert later tonight and we will have a Rock and Roll night. I can’t wait.


今年利用年假计划五月份去英国旅游,因为5-6月份是英国最好的旅游季节。12 小时的飞机在早上6点钟到达了英国。乘着英航到了伦敦希思罗机场,进了5号航道,出了机场,在入了关的时候,没有任何的指示你应该排哪里,我就跟着大队就行!移民官会问题一些基本的问题哦!


从机场到市中心要50分钟,我们到了约翰新租的房子,有花园,私人停车位,还是2层的房子,哈哈,全新的装修,灰色的反皮的沙发,(还可以用成沙发床)约翰买了个液晶40寸的电视,楼下是客厅和厨房,3个炬炉,基调是白色和蛋黄色,很有家的味道;2楼是厕所和主人房, 我们太喜欢这个房子了!我会照些相片给大家看!

在家休息了一会之后,约翰迫不及待的带我去周围逛,到了牛津街里的百货大楼,人群拥挤的,听到有些人在尖叫,原来巴黎*希尔顿在这里宣传她的香水,听说你要前天买她的香水就可以跟她近距离见面,我们太晚了,不过看到真人也就算了,她超级漂亮,很瘦和也很高,她是真是名人潮流的焦点啊!除了在广州看到过谢霆锋,第一次看见国际名人啊。真开心。 为我的旅程增添多姿多彩的节目!


觉得第一天好精彩啊,我带着兴奋,好奇的心情在伦敦游玩着,看见许多时髦潮流的人,穿着超另类衣服,叼着烟的年轻人,千奇百态的人都有!我还是没有感觉我终于到伦敦,象做着梦,太多新鲜的事情下载到我脑里,我怕我的硬盘跟不上。幸好我精力十足,虽然超级累,但兴奋的基数让身体感觉不到太强烈的时差感 。

约翰说前几个星期的天气都是很热,阳光明媚,等到我到了的今天,气温降到10度,我都没有带什么东西的衣服,只有几件顶住。还有一件让我感到兴奋的事,英国的夏天到了晚上10点钟,外面还是白天;听说他们夏天就是这样, 不过冬天的白天超级短,3点就黑天了。怪怪的!我想大家都喜欢白天长点,不过说真的我喜欢或者说习惯了白天和黑夜分明。


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