Nintendo Wii Fit


We bought a Nintendo Wii games console over one year ago in Guangzhou and recently bought the Wii Fit in London. Apparently we have influenced at least six friends to buy it after they have played it, and they are extremely popular in the UK and we had to order the Wii Fit online shipped from German because UK ran out of stocks.

Using the Wii Fit you can practice your yoga, balancing, and other fun exercises to burn your calories. It’s really good for the lazy people such as myself and when I have time I use it to excercise and keep track of my weight. It’s really fun to play with freinds and makes for a good purchase.

不知不觉我们在广州买了Wii 任天堂游戏机有一年多了,之后在伦敦才买Wii Fit。我们成功的说服了至少6个朋友也买了它。Wii 在哪里都超级受欢迎,我们还要上网订购Wii fit,而从德国运过来才行,因为当时英国卖短货了。

我用Wii Fit锻炼俞加或是一些平衡的游戏,每天锻炼,它不仅让你流汗,还真的可以消耗卡路里,对我这些懒人又可以玩游戏,又可以做运动,何乐不为呢?我要保持苗条的身材,或要再瘦点!当你有很多朋友来你家时,大家可以一起玩一些互动游戏和一起开怀大笑。我觉得是不错的投资!希望你也买一个玩玩吧!

2 thoughts on “Nintendo Wii Fit

  1. The Wii fit set is 2300RMB, we bought another hand control 400RMB, plus different cable or games. Wii Fit is another 800-1000RMB (depends on the market)

    You can buy them in any computer centers in Tianhe, Guangzhou.

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