Celebrated New Year Eve in London Eye

Miwa’s boyfriend Haruki flew from Japan to celebrate New Year Eve with us, so we decided to have New year dinner, then went to see the firework in London. We took Haruki to eat the amazing fresh-made Gourmet burger because he likes beef like I do.

We managed to find some seats in one of them in Soho, and surprisingly, all the restaurants were not full at all except some of them in the tourist places in Leicester Square. After the giant burgers and chips, we walked down to the pub near St James Park, ordered some champaign and desserts to get our mood started.

At 11 pm, we stood behind the House of the Parliament, and it was so cold about minus 3-4 degrees outside with a full moon. The firework was last 10 minutes, and it was magnificent and so colourful. News said that there were about 250,000 people witnessing the countdown and the firework. The funny things is after the firework, it was snowing for 5 minutes. What else you can get in a night! We had an extremely good time in New Year Eve. Goodbye 2009, another new year has come.

Happy New Year to all of you, and wish you and me will have a lot fortune and luck in 2010. Picture of firework is from Dailymail News.



烟花放了10分钟,伦敦的烟花实在不同,颜色五彩缤纷。报道说,当晚估计有25万人在这里看倒数和烟花。当晚晴空万理,也是满月。烟花结束后,最兴奋的是开始下雪。下了10分钟大大的雪,我们就各自回家了。告别2009年,走向美好的2010年。谢谢大家陪伴我度过这么多年。同时祝福大家都过个好年,祈祷2010年你我都运气连连,开心无限。 烟花照片是在dailynew网上载录下来。

2 thoughts on “Celebrated New Year Eve in London Eye

  1. Hi Carmen! That’s really amazing firework!
    Yeah, I hope you can have a nice 2010 with healthy & happy time. =)

    Oh, is London freezing cold? Take care and not to catch a cold! =) This year got extremely weather again!!! I really pray for everyone! Nature’s power is just… too scary.

  2. It is snowing heavily during these days. It is said that it is the coldest January since 1979 and a lot of snow. (I saw news that Beijing got the heavy snow too) But for me, I enjoy the cold and heavy snow…

    Hope your dreams will be come true in 2010. Let’s witness this year together!

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