Backstreet Jazz Bar

There are only 2 jazz bars in Guangzhou. One is the Blue Note, where my friends band has been performing for several couple years (although they had to perform in the Garden Hotel – everyday I can listen to live jazz music between 6pm – 7 pm). The other one is the Backstreet Jazz Bar, situated in the lovely surroundings of Guangzhou’s Ersha Island. Around the corner is the Xinghai Concert Hall, and at the end of the street is the Pearl River. You can’t be any better situated. And also it’s one of the few areas where you can enjoy a walk in peace.

The bar is a two storey glass building set inside a bamboo forest. A lower ‘Jazz’ floor opens out into a small upstairs restaurant area, and the two are joined together, and with the outside world, by a complicated series of stairs, bridges, and sliding doors. The decor is dark, metallic, and subdued, with lots of glass and mirrors. Look very modern, fancy, and you feel naked, like you are walking in the air. Pretty cool.

The restaurant ostensibly serves Latin-American styled food, although it borders on the generic American Italian. The prices are high and portions are small. Drinks, although available in a wide array of forms, are equally served in small quantities. Ask for a glass of wine and you’ll think yourself the butt of a joke; drink it fast otherwise the meagre serving will evaporate.

The staff are nice and friendly, and some of them are from other countries of Asian who speak English only. The restaurant is focusing on attracting foreign people in Guangzhou so English speaking staff is necessary. The food itself is very tasty.

At around 8.30 a quartet of musicians arrive on the tiny downstairs stage, boasting musicians from Canada, Russia, Brazil, and China. Quite a mix. A smooth talking Geraldo Lucio sings, trying his best to draw the small crowd into the music. Herein lies the main problem with the Backstreet: it’s too big and the crowds are too small. The music is excellent, and Lucio prowls the audience trying to get some feedback, but they are too thin and from a very different cultural background to provide him what he wants.

To cut a long story short, we enjoyed the food and the new jazz band. The band only stay here for 2 months. So if anyone who like jazz and want to experience different music passion, I highly recommend it’s worth to be there and enjoy the music.

Show this month

Backstreet Jazz invited Sebastian Schunke on October 2007 to perform in GZ. Jazz fans, don’t miss this chance

9.10. Guangzhou, BackStreet, Jazz Club, 21.45 -23.45
10.10. Guangzhou, Back Street Jazz Club, 21.45- 23.35

在广州爵士吧只有两间,一间是“蓝调”在淘金路,一间在二沙岛的星海音乐学院的隔壁,叫“后街爵士餐厅& 酒吧”,在一个很隐蔽的地方,外面都是绿色的灯和竹子为起来的,只是看到“后街”用大红色的灯格外突出,楼进门的楼梯都用玻璃做成的,再由一道自动的铁门进入,里面的装修很有品位和时尚,里面基调都是红色和透明的玻璃的结合,连过道都是一道磨沙玻璃连接起来的,二楼是餐厅,7-8张桌子,后面是一个长长的调酒吧台,陈列和几百种酒;楼下是一个摆放Live的乐队的乐器,和10几张吧台和很 Cozy的沙发,装修来说,无懈可击,就想JAZZ 一样充满鲜红的热情,象玻璃一样能看穿人们的心理…


说到重心点:一只好的爵士乐队才是餐厅的灵魂,9:30乐队才开始演出,钢琴手从加拿大请来的叫Doug Louie ( 后来和他们成为好朋友之后我才知道人家的来历都还不小呢,想过来这边看看中国,还有一个多重国际的巴西人事Geraldo Lucio,和一个刚从上海请来的鼓手Tom Lee, 大提琴低音是由我朋友现在在花园酒店表演中跳选过去的,算是一个很难得的结合;我之前因为朋友生日,去过“后街”一次,说是澳大利亚来的女歌手,真是一般再一般啊;因为我在上海希尔顿听过很专业的爵士再说这么多年对爵士的热爱,你就会知道什么是好,什么是不好;所以,这次他们的新组合真的很棒!真希望广州能多点爵士听众!长话短说,可惜这只乐队在这里逗留的时间仅限两个月;所以“后街”这只新的乐队是值得大家去听一下的,感受不同音乐带来的给你不同感受•

2005年曾来中国香港/广州/上海/深圳演出;因自己错过德他们首次在广州的表演爵士乐队的表演而感到遗憾,昨天收到他的经理人对广大爵士歌迷的宣布: 10月份Sebastian Schunke终于再次到中国,广州,表演。这次到10月9-10号在广州的后街爵士餐厅表演,我一定不会错过的.

8 thoughts on “Backstreet Jazz Bar

  1. 你好,我是广州二沙岛后街爵士酒吧的负责人sydow,感谢您光临我们的酒吧。目前从8月17日到10月17日的驻场乐手是澳洲第一爵士钢琴家Didi Mudigdo和爵士小提琴家Meilissa Cox。我们一直以来都保证每个乐手最多签约2个月,至少一个月就会更换一次乐手,为的是给广州的爵士音乐爱好者带来完美和全面的爵士音乐之旅。我们在服务和出品方面也一直在改进,希望能得到你的建议,也希望您有空来后街听听来自澳洲顶级的爵士音乐。

  2. 谢谢Sydow的光临。我们见过面的,Lucio让我和你翻译句话给你的时候认识你的;Momo也是好朋友之一,我听过Doug说过Didi’s website,没有想到你请他过来,哈哈,好的,有时间再去听听爵士。下次有机会我们再次认识下。

  3. Hi Didi,

    What a surprise to hear from you. It’s pity that we missed your performance in Backstreet Jazz bar; I have heard your name so many times from Doug; John helped him to create his personal website and it’s funny that you spotted my website and I finally met you in my blog; but even I missed your live show in Backstreet Jazz, with the YouTube where I still can enjoy your music. I like the lyrics you sang specially for China. I am crazy for Jazz and hope in the future, I will meet you somewhere and sitting listening to your live show. Cheers!

  4. Hi Carmen!

    I am so glad you liked the song ‘Slow Boat to China’, it is one of my favourite jazz standards!

    It was written by Frank Loesser in 1945, so it is a very old song… I will type the lyrics here, and I will sing it for you, if I ever see you at my show 🙂

    I’d love to get you on a slow boat to China,
    All to myself, alone.
    Get you and keep you in my arms evermore,
    Leave all your lovers weeping on the far away shore.

    Out on the briny with a moon big and shiny
    Melting your heart of stone.
    I’d love to get you on a slow boat to China,
    All to myself, alone.

    Cheers, DD

  5. Hi there. I’ve been to Backstreet twice but both on saturdays and the performance was rather disappointing. Pop performance…

    On which days of the week do they have Jazz?



  6. Dear J,

    Thanks for a message. Tonight I will be go to see Sebastian Schunke Band on Baskstreet Jazz bar on 9th Oct. If you miss tonight, you can go there tomorrow. They will perform 2 show only at 9pm-10pm. Don’t miss that. I will write a review here. Hope you won’t be disappointed this time. Seeya!

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