Dexter – The dark defender


I’ve been watching “Dexter” a lot recently and have to say that it’s become one of my favourite TV series. It’s based upon a novel and Michael C. Hall (of Six Feet Under “David” fame) plays the lead character so smoothly and perfectly that the accompanying stories grab your attention from the start.

The story is a little bit bloody, creepy, quirky, dark, and constantly gives you surprises; it’s an emotional and a psychological struggle. Unfortunately it’s only been released on American TV so far, and the story may be a little too risqué for TVB Pearl or ATV World. However, if you get chance then don’t miss this amazing show. I’m definitely looking forward to Season 2.

The story is about Dexter, a blood spatter specialist in Miami who investigates murders during the day and commits his own murders at night. Dexter isn’t just your typical serial killer though, he’s a vigilante killing those who seem to deserve it. At the beginning of the film Dexter tracks and violently murders a child molester. It makes it hard to hate him for his acts because he killed someone who deserved it.

He shows frequent flashes of brilliance in his job, mainly through his own ‘real world’ experience. Dexter struggles a lot with his inner demon, and the series gradually shows us why Dexter is the way he is. This is particularly highlighted by the series-long story thread of the ‘Ice Truck Killer’, a serial murderer that focuses on prostitutes and begins to develop a personal connection with Dexter, leaving him clues and gifts.

Dexter is an extremely complex character set within what could easily have been a heavily formulaic series. Michael C. Hall is played the good part and he’s cool in the show with different facial expression and his uptight yet impish look; he couldn’t be a better fit for this character.

“Dexter” is both emotionally and intellectually attaching. My rating: 9.0 of 10

这些天都看电视剧看到疯掉了,除了“逃”我们也看了美国现在正在播放的最新连续剧“Dexter ”是男主角的名字:戴斯特,是“六尺之下 ”的David主演的;这部不像以前或老在播放的“医院 急诊”或“鉴证实录”一样,这部完全是全新题材,有血有肉,有点惊厉,怪异,不过分暴力,只是一点点血腥,但却恰到好处,主角和你在玩心里战术,十分刺激!

故事讲述戴斯特 Dexter是一个迈阿密警察局出名的验血专家,他对血情有独钟,也有种怪僻,就是喜欢血,喜欢杀人;但却只杀案犯奸的人,因Dexter觉得他们死有余 辜。每在调查杀人犯的时候,他从中找出蛛丝马迹的线索,让这个杀人犯虽然逃出法律的网,却逃不出他的网;终于,有天他发现,还有另一个天才连环杀人凶手慢慢的 在看他作案,悄悄的入他家里了解他,跟Dexter玩捉迷藏,玩心理战,玩杀人游戏。在这个Dexter觉得无人了解他的怪癖的世界上,终于多出了个和他 一样聪明而又了解他这种心理的人,Dexter觉得终于找到共鸣,很想找出和这个对手,对手是个更冷血的人,把很多妓女都分尸解体,让Dexter 去找线索,去找出他是谁?Dexter是否找得到,我们拭目以待…结局会给你一个意想不到的惊喜。

故事以黑色幽默讽刺为主色调,Dexter因童年的阴影得存在,呈现喜欢血腥的癖好,但却其他方面很有爱心,自相矛盾的心理;像个主持公道杀人机器,在剧中,他是个几重性格重叠的 人,很多东西没有完全黑与白之分,是否我们这个世界要有像Dexter杀去“收拾 ”死有余辜的坏人,还是觉得他终有一天会被发现?发现他原来是好人,但却杀人,无论这个人是否坏人,他都是杀人,所以你会在道德或人性上挣扎,你跟慢慢喜 欢故事情节,它让你猜疑,它让你自己去判断….

这是十大现热放的连续剧之一,希望未来明珠台也有播放,我的评分:9分, 我们热情期待第二季的Dexter拉!

Dexter Season 2

I am watching Dexter Season 2. The story in Season 2 is that Dexter identity is in the risk. Everyone try to find who the real killer is. A new Dexter has appeared. The dark defender has pealed his mask; it might give him trouble; he might get caught. I really like the writer and the story. It always gives you surprises and excitements. It is a very successful TV series from my own prospective. We are all drag into the story and feel for Dexter. It feels like that we experience with Dexter. I am so looking forward to seeing every episode.


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