Moving to London

Moving to London

As some of you know, my time in London was a testing period to see what the city is like. Very shortly I will be moving there to study for a masters degree at the University Of London.

Saying goodbye to Guangzhou, and especially my good friends, is not easy. I have spent a total of seven years in Guangzhou, arriving here as an innocent girl from Shantou. I’ve enjoyed my life, my studies, and my jobs here in Guangzhou and it is not without some sadness that I leave. However, although I am scared I am also excited to have something new and challenging to look forward to. I will need to start from scratch and work very hard, but the rewards should be well worth it.

I really wish I could take all my friends with me to London and I will miss them all. I am so glad they are always there for me and want them to know that they have played an important part of my life. I wish the best of luck to all of my friends and hope to see them in London.

See you soon Guangzhou.





5 thoughts on “Moving to London

  1. 嗨,佳敏,你好!我是秀勉的朋友,看了你的网站我非常喜欢,希望能和你成为朋友并与你交流。

  2. 半夜醒来喂宝宝,已经是凌晨5点钟了,突然间一丝念头一闪而过,原来Carmen已经去英国一个多月了。想想她在广州不知不觉也已经好多年了,从读书到上班,直到她离开广州的那天,我想Carmen应该比我更为留恋广州。一个繁华热闹的都市,虽然那里的空气不好,但无非吸引人的东西,地方实在是太多了,想想还是我与先生相识的城市呢,确实有太多太多的回忆留恋在广州。
      想念Carmen、John 想念Marco 还有广州所有的朋友,久违了...我想下次再去广州的时候我已经带上我可爱聪明的小希希一同而去咯!真是时间不留人啊!短短的三年里,你留给了我一生难忘的回忆。广州,等着我们!

  3. hello ,i has got your news from your look like so good.we have been no seeing for a few months till now . how about you ,and what time will you be back GZ to see US. miss you so much
    my english is pool ,so can not talking about more something.but i will try to talk to you in english everytime.
    ok .so much for today i look forwarde your good news more and more!


  4. Hello, Bandy!

    Thanks for coming! Like your said, you can see my update in my website. School is off now and I will spend my Christmas in north UK with John’s family. Merry Christmas to everyone! Oh, good news is that Jenie got married now, so quickly. I miss you guys and have some laugh with you too. I properly see you next year in summer I guess. Your English is fine, Keep practicing.

    Keep me updated

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