Guangzhou – Too Much Fun

Guangzhou - too much fun

Back to Guangzhou

I was so looking forward back to China. There are two things I have to do; one is to eat a lot of chinese food, and to see my friends. I arrived on Thursday night after 12 hours plane plus 3 hours couch from HK airport, but I was still very excited to meet Casper and Shine. They have been waiting for me at ‘Uncle’ which is a HK canteen style restaurant to have dinner with me. However, I was not aware of Yuki and other friends had booked a table to welcome me. At the end, I hanged out with all my friends at my first night.

The whole Guangzhou trip was so busy that I didn’t have time to feel jet-leg. First day, I had dimsum with my ex-colleagues, and went to visit their new office. It did feel weird, and felt like I had never left before. Anyway, it’s so good to see them again.

Then friends had arranged a trip to Yangjiang at the weekend. We were so lucky to eat a lot of seafood which just caught from the ocean. After dinner, we went to have firework on the beach, then ate again. Thanks Jenie’s husband for their hospitality, so that we ate, slept and entertained well. It was a unforgettable journey.

The rest days in Guangzhou I ate with friends and went to foot / body massages basically every night. It wasn’t enough to spend one week in Guangzhou, then I have to back to Shantou to see my family.

It’s hard to say goodbye to my Guangzhou friends! I wish I could be here forever.




接下来的每天都是朋友请我吃饭,按摩,吃点心。这次再和啊娜见了面,她真客气,还请了我们吃顿1千多的饭,谢谢她的有心!我的广州之旅真是奢侈和开心。我真的要谢谢所有广州的朋友们,爱你们在心口难开啊,没有你们,就没有我今天的开心。 实在不舍得和你们说再见,不过我会再回去和你们见面的。等我喔!

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