Cheers to the friendship


When we get older, we realise that we can not spend as much time as used to be with friends. One reason is that people grow up. Friends after school go to different paths. For example, some of friends work in different cities; some are too busy to fly over different cities or countries; some even live in the same city but they feel too far and lazy to catch up with friends. However, people’s attitudes and values are changing and we meet more new friends every day.

There are ways to maintain the relationship with old friends is to communicate more. Although the feel for the old friends have not changed much, we need to make effort to keep the relationship updated as well as the world is changing.

Some people might think that they don’t want to bother their friends, but friends might not feel the same way. Take me as an example, I love friends bothering me. I feel very useful to be needed and that is why I love social gathering with friends such as hold a party. The reason for that is too see and catch up with old friends.

It is sad when I think of my best friends are so far way. One of my best friend Shine – we finally arranged to see each other again in the cafe after 1 year and an half, but during our conversation, she kept watching her watch and explained she got 30 minutes before rushing to the airport. I felt so little time to catch up with her, but this is life.

I know she is always being somewhere for me whenever I need her. They are not friends anymore, but are members of the family.

Friend is forever and let us treasures friendship. This is why for – no matter how far I am; I always share my stories with my friends.

Cheers to friendship!



我喜欢朋友麻烦我,这意味这朋友需要你,他们需要帮助时候想到你。这就是我喜欢搞派对的原因,因为我希望除了大家开心之余,也跟好朋友多点聚聚,分享多点你的生活,不会因时间或空间而变得疏远。 真的很伤感但你觉得你最好的朋友离你那么远,她好忙而你经常不能见到她。我们多想珍惜我们的友谊啊,时而能见见面喝喝茶谈谈天,但聚少散多已是事实。象下午,涵在去白云机场飞去西安之前过来看我了下,我们在酒店旁边的“陆街”Café 坐下来,我几乎1年半多没见到她了,我们的谈话也变得很赶,她老对手机看时间,跟我说我们只有半小时,天啊,我们真的有很多很多话要讲,但我知道她真的很赶时间, 晚上她跟我说,差一分钟飞机就飞走了。但是在我心里我多想留住她啊。

当然我还是那样的爱她,她对我的感情也是这样,无论怎么样,当我需要她时候,她永远在我身边。虽我们会有越来越多的新朋友出现在你生命中,但你永远希望跟你最好的死党跟你分享你的喜和悲,他们不再是你的朋友那么简单,他们是你家庭成员的一份子。每次当你想到这些问提, 它令你思考,让你沉思。 但无论如何,朋友是永远的,我们好好珍惜他们。这也是我办网站的原因,让我所有朋友无论身在何处,都知道我是多么的想他们。
