

I have been searching some new music recently, and thanks for my friend Syrinx introduced Mew. Mew is a band from Denmark, established in 1995 with a musical style that is best described as a combination of indie rock and progressive rock (with shoegaze and dream pop influences). I have been listening their music these week and I like their album a lot, and highly recommend to you if you like indie rock.

Best albums: And The Glass Handed Kites and Frengers
Best songs:

  • Zookeeper’s boy
  • Speicial
  • 156
  • Comforting Sounds
  • Apocalypso
  • She came home for Christmas
  • You can hear their songs in here for free or visit their myspace.

    最近在找有没有新歌或新专辑刺激下神经,要感谢广州的朋友Syrinx,一个很小就打从心底喜欢英文摇滚!她介绍给我去听Mew的其中一首歌。Mew是95年就成立的丹麦摇滚乐队,他们的音乐类型是indie摇滚加上电子摇滚。这个星期都在听他们的专辑。最喜欢的是我放在封面的2张专辑,里面的歌曲十分喜欢。喜欢indie rock的朋友们,我极力推荐哦。 上面是6首我的最爱也是比听的哦!你们可以上last.fm免费听他们的歌曲,或是去他们的空间 听!