

I have been searching some new music recently, and thanks for my friend Syrinx introduced Mew. Mew is a band from Denmark, established in 1995 with a musical style that is best described as a combination of indie rock and progressive rock (with shoegaze and dream pop influences). I have been listening their music these week and I like their album a lot, and highly recommend to you if you like indie rock.

Best albums: And The Glass Handed Kites and Frengers
Best songs:

  • Zookeeper’s boy
  • Speicial
  • 156
  • Comforting Sounds
  • Apocalypso
  • She came home for Christmas
  • You can hear their songs in here for free or visit their myspace.

    最近在找有没有新歌或新专辑刺激下神经,要感谢广州的朋友Syrinx,一个很小就打从心底喜欢英文摇滚!她介绍给我去听Mew的其中一首歌。Mew是95年就成立的丹麦摇滚乐队,他们的音乐类型是indie摇滚加上电子摇滚。这个星期都在听他们的专辑。最喜欢的是我放在封面的2张专辑,里面的歌曲十分喜欢。喜欢indie rock的朋友们,我极力推荐哦。 上面是6首我的最爱也是比听的哦!你们可以上last.fm免费听他们的歌曲,或是去他们的空间 听!


    I have been using lastfm for almost a year and I love it so much. is a UK base internet radio for music lovers to listen music, or explore similar artists. All you need to do is to apply for an account and add all your favorite artists in to the library. The system will look at your music taste and introduce more good music to you. You might find that other users will recommend various music to you as well.

    The web site is stylish and very easy to use! Besides, it also has HK and Taiwan popular artists in Chinese.

    I use it to play music when I surf the internet. I know there are a lot of similar websites, but I highly recommend this one to you.

    用了lastfm这个在线音乐网站一年了, lastfm是一个英国十分流行的internet播放器,它让我爱不释手,几乎一上网就习惯要打开它,作为我音乐的背景。网站设计十分时髦,新型和使用超级简单。你要登记一个账户,然后找寻你喜欢的音乐歌手,系统会跟你介绍类似你喜欢的歌手,让你接触更多你喜欢的音乐;也有些歌迷会介绍好听的歌曲或歌手给你。
