Our Home-made Pumpkin Pie


John bought me a recipe book for a Christmas gift. It is one of my favorite chefs’ dessert book James Martin – from the TV series ‘Sweet Baby James’. Today we decided to make one of the recipes and picked the pumpkin pie with pecan. The hard part was making the pastry with pecan, but we did it well. It only cost us a few pounds for the ingredients, but it worths at least 10 pounds in the cafe. The pie looks so amazing and tastes great – it’s not too sweet, with a top layer that could easily melt into your mouth, and pastry is crunchy and tasty with the pecan. It is exactly perfect! We are so proud and pleased with our pie. Hope we will make it for you one day. Here are some pictures


约翰圣诞节送给我最爱的厨师James Martin的甜品书叫“占慕士的甜宝贝“ (我自己翻译的)我们在广州明珠台看过他的这个甜点专辑。今天我们终于有时间做甜点,我们选择了容易做果仁南瓜派。最难做的是打底的馅饼皮,果仁和馅饼皮一起搓,然后加5种香料,南瓜,焦糖,双层奶然后放进炬炉45分钟,出来的效果超级专业,不甜不腻,外层柔软融入你口中,馅饼皮脆而有果仁味道。超级好吃!等大家来我们家做客我做给你们吃哦!照片吸引人吧?