Chinese New Year Parade


I organised our classmates to eat in Cha Cha Moon Chinese restaurant for a quick lunch. Then we walked to Chinatown and Trafalgar Square to see the dragon parade. It was so crowded and eventually we only saw some tiny little dragon. It was a little bit disoppointed but we had a good laugh with friends. Here is some pictures to share.

我组织同学们去吃中国菜和看舞狮表演,连我们的老师也加入我们团队。大家二三群吃完饭之后走去中国城。超级多人,拥挤的不得了!我比较失望舞狮表演,太多人,狮子又超级小!在trafalgar 广场,还有中国表演节目呢。由于天气太冷了,冷到下起雪花, 但大家欢欢喜喜,有说有笑的过了一天。最新照片在这里。