Pingpong Dimsum Review


After the business exam, Vicky, Miwa and us decided to have some dimsum as a reward after my hard revision. We chose famous Pingpong restaurant in Liverpool Street to have an unlimited dimsum. It means that you spent 17 pounds and eat whatever you want.

The restaurant environment is modern and stylish. John and I order some lychee drink, friends ordered some Wulong tea. The menu has about 15-25 choices for you to choose. Dimsum’s flavour was quite authentic. However, we all could tell that they were slightly westernised. Unbelievably, we ate 30 dishes in total, and I ate the most.

Overall, I think it’s worth trying and definitely worth 17 pounds if you can eat a lot like me. I will still recommend it for you to try the Pingpong Dimsum. Some more delicious dimsum pictures are here.

Environment: 4 / 5, Food: 3.5 / 5, service: 4 / 5

终于考完管理一科拉,我们决定要好好对待自己,所以去利物浦街出名的点心餐厅吃点心 - 乒乓点心。他们推出17磅任吃,啊,任吃点心,简直就是我的梦想嘛,实在太开心了。约翰和我点了荔枝果汁,他们点了茶,点心味道还蛮正宗的,但它做的稍微有点 ‘适合外国味道’。但是还是蛮好吃的,我们4人吃了30碟,强吧 (不过我吃的最多,他们的战斗力一般般呢)。不过总的来说,还是值得一试的,点心还是做得很不错。又有照片更新了。


Friends Celebrate Christmas


It was our last day in the first semester of the school and friends decided to celebrate in Spitafield Market in Liverpool Street last night. We went to the Latin Brazil Restaurant. The food was really good. We ordered some cocktails and had some laugh. We are glad that school was off and most friends are going to back their countries soon; so the dinner was also the celebration of the Christmas and New Year!

Christmas is coming – people are all busy preparing gifts and decorating their houses, and it feels like Chinese New Year! We will spend our Christmas with John’s family for a week, then we will back to London for new year 09. This year has been passing so quickly. Anyway, I am looking forward to experiencing my first Christmas in the UK. Here are some pictures with my friends

昨天同学说为了庆祝第一学期最后一天和提早庆祝圣诞,因为大多数的朋友都飞回家过圣诞!我们去了利物浦街吃饭,我很喜欢利物浦街的餐厅,就象香港的中环一样,时尚和充满活力。我们终于选了一个拉丁风情的餐厅,点了些鸡尾酒,小吃和正餐。我点了羊腿排,约翰点了拉丁鸡肉卷等。圣诞快到了,这段时间,大家都在忙于买礼物,装饰自己家,圣诞气氛很浓厚,就象我们的过年一样忙碌!我们会和约翰的家人一起过圣诞节,然后回伦敦过新年。还记得我姐和姐夫Marco 前年12月9号来广州,然后圣诞节在北京度过,现在又一年了。我们就放3个星期假,讨厌放假还要写论文。今年过得真快,一眨眼就过去了,很期待我的第一个英国的圣诞节。这是我和朋友一起吃饭的一些照片