Family gethering in New Year 2008


What it will be a good beginning to start 2008? John decided to meet my parents, and we have our new plan for 2008, that I will be studying in London for my masters and we moved to London. I am not sure my parents will like the ideas, so the most important thing is to introduce John to my parents. I know it sounds silly that we have been dating for almost 5 years now, and finally we have the chance to introduce both properly.

With a tremendous good news is that my parents have moved to the new house, where is next to the Meritus Shantou Hotel. The house is designed by my brother-in-law Marco with a modern, soficiticated but simple. Although it won’t be the same house we grow up and spent 20 years, I like our new house, big, fashion and the location is fantastic.

Anyway, John was nervous to see my parents. My Dad treated us to the expensive Chinese seafood restaurant at the first night. My Dad knew John doesn’t like seafood, but have already prepared several vegetarian dishes for him. How lovely it is! Then next day Marco drove us to travel around Shantou. Unfortunately because it was new year, many local cuisine shops were closed, but John has tried some traditional bubble tea in OU JI. The third day, John saw our whole family relatives including my grandmum accidently. With the kindness everyone was enthusiastic to show John about different things, drinking gongfu tea with him. However, we didnot stay long and went to hang out with my friends. Last day we spent sometime with my cousin Aileen & Xun to have breakfast and we left Shantou.

The time in Shantou was short, but fun! It was a special New Year for us and we hope to see them very soon again!



约翰蛮紧张去看我爸妈的,老爸请我们去吃海鲜,知道约翰吃斋专门点了很多斋菜,真贴心!第二天姐夫车我们去游览汕头,看很多旧时后留下来的古迹,例如:小公园的英国邮电局 (我从来都不知道呢), 下午我们去亲戚家见了40多个亲戚!这下子约翰可吓呆了,大家蛮给他和功夫茶,吃这个吃那个,大家对他都很热情,我们见太多人就走了,和同学一起去喝欧吉珍珠奶茶!第三天早上,我们和表姐晓华表妹旬一起在麦当劳吃早餐之后就回广州了,结束了短短4天的新年之游。约翰很感激大家的厚爱,让他留下汕头超级好的印象,他甚至说大家都很热情,给他一个不一样的新年。希望很快和大家再相见拉。

(我带眼镜是因为要去做 镭射激光治疗,请见笑哦 !)