End of June

End of June blog pic

It’s end of June. I have been working hard in the job and it seems that life stuck into the routine when you have jobs. The jobs are very challenging and you never know what will happen for a day, it might so busy or quite – it always makes your heart jump! Friends were back to their countries but I miss them.

The great news of this year is that John works for WordPress – ( is a free and open source blog publishing application and Content Management System) as a software engineer and working something creative and challenge. Besides, my website is using WordPress anyway, so I treated him a big dinner and celebrated with him.

Last weekend we travelled to Sheffield to visit John’s family and had a good time. Recently my health is invading by virus and I have been suffering a lot. I hope it went away soon so that I can enjoy the summer!


不知不觉就到了6月末,一直努力的工作着,工作就象打仗,你永远不知道今天的挑战是什么。朋友们回他们国家了,蛮想念和他们一起呼哈的日子。约翰给美国三藩市一家最大的网络公司 WordPress 高薪聘请去当程序工程师,(中国阻止了wordpress 网站,所以大家打不开的)一年3次去三藩市开会的机会,我要去!我为他感到骄傲和高兴,好像和一个名人约会一样。这是他梦想的工作,感觉我们一步步的为生活努力着,一年年总有惊喜发现,有低谷的时候,又有高峰开心的日子,这就是生活。


Travelled in Yorkshire

We went to visit Sheffield, Derbyshire, and Leeds last week and drove to see the famous Chatsworth house, owned by Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. This house is famous for appearing as Mr Darcy’s house in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice movie, as well as the upcoming calledThe Dutchess (featuring Keira Knightley).

Unfortunately when we were there they were holding a country fair so I didn’t get chance to visit it properly but I’m sure I will do so in the future.

We also drove to Bakewell in Derbyshire and the Peak District. It’s a small, peaceful, and very pretty market town. It reminds me of Europe a lot.

Another day we drove to North Yorkshire from Leeds to visit Harrogate . It is a very large and wealthy city, we enjoyed our time there.

Sheffield a city of many hills with views into the city centre or out to the countryside. There is a National Park next door and it was famous for producing steel. It’s quite a small city (could be like Shantou, not sure), but the hills remind me of Hong Kong.

Leeds is not bad, got a lot of young modern buildings and restaurants near the canal.

Here is some pictures I took.

The picture of the cover is from www.theage.com.au (Chatsworth House at sunset.)

我们上周去了谢菲尔德德比郡利兹,去看了很多周边的小镇,去参观了电视剧 /电影-达西先生住的房子(傲慢与偏见),还有9月5号即将上映的电影(女爵)也是在这个房子拍摄的,来头不小啊!听说那整片地区包裹房子都是属于一个公爵的,太富有了!但因为我们刚好碰见公园在举行活动,人山人海,没有仔细进入里面,以后再去罗!我们也去了利兹,利兹还好拉,蛮有小伦敦感觉的。谢菲尔德也不错,到处都是树木花园,国家公园也就在隔壁,居民的房子都建在山腰上,感觉象香港的半山腰。这是最新的照片和大家分享拉。