Shanghai Blues (Dimsum and Live Jazz)


As a dimsum lover I ate a lot of delicious dimum while Guangzhou; it’s one of the main things I love about Guangzhou. As a new visitor in London I wanted to see what the dim sum here is like.

I read Shanghai Blues is one of the better dimsum restaurants. As well as serving dim sum in a luxury Chinese and Western style decoration they also serve Gongfu Tea and have live Jazz music every Friday night – everything I could hope for in a restaurant! The dimsum is about 5 pounds per dish, normal evening dish from 15 pounds.

Dimsum and food is 3.8 of 5; environment 4.5 of 5; service 4.5 of 5. I am sure I will return there again.

说到喝茶,吃点心,这是我在广州7年必做的事,三五知己周末一起去喝茶聊天,广州的点心价廉物美,什么档次都有,这也是广州的魅力一处。所以我要在伦敦尝试一些好吃的点心餐厅,我相信太多的这样的餐厅了。听说“蒲点”是评为超好的十大点心餐厅之一。这个餐厅的特色是你不仅仅你可以尝到精致的点心,中西结合的奢华环境,还可以点功夫茶,听爵士乐(每周五都有)天啊,这不是统统是我的最爱嘛,点心,功夫茶和爵士…我们定了7点半,进入餐厅,装饰超级时尚,里面象个俱乐部,蓝色基调,听说鸡尾酒最出名。点心从5磅起,其他菜从18磅起,5星最高来说,我给点心评价3.8个星,环境4.5, 服务4.5。相信我以后还是会去尝试多点点心的,听现场的爵士…