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I know it’s a late discovery, but I’ve recently found YouTube and have spent far too much time watching music videos.

Many music fans like me sometimes go to great lengths to find band’s music video online. Before YouTube, your only options were to either hope the band’s website had a few videos, or to try and find it elsewhere (such as on MTV). Most of the time these options were incredibly slow, didn’t work, or were a real nuisance. In YouTube, however, you type your favourite artist and the song and it’s all there. Click on the video, pause it until its all loaded (otherwise it may stutter while it downloads), then play it; the quality of the music video might not perfect, but it’s acceptable and at least it loads fast. You will find various music videos, including the original video as well as live performances.

YouTube also has a lot of home-grown videos, ranging from people recording themselves doing funny things, to students wanting to make a break in the movie world. Google thought enough of YouTube that they paid $4 billion US for it… a staggering amount.

It’s good news for music fans but don’t use it too often – you will become addicted. Enjoy!

也许发现得比较晚,但一但被你知道它的存在,你会情不自禁的坐在电脑前疯狂的使用它,我叫它是(录像点唱机),它就是YouTube。一个让你随时查找你喜欢的乐队或歌手的最新的Music Video(音乐录影带)。

许多喜欢音乐的歌迷像我一样有时候疯狂的在寻找自己喜爱的乐队或歌手的录影带,在YouTube诞生之前,电视播放的音乐录影带往往都不是你喜欢的歌手或乐队,所以都是上MTV 或其他网站查找我喜欢的歌手的MV,超慢打得开或缓冲太长,打开几分钟,之后最终还是打不开,索性不看了。但有了YouTube,找寻最新最快的音乐录影带2-3分钟搞定,有现场的,原版的音乐录影带,满足各位音乐迷的渴望,我的秘诀是,打开,按暂停,然后等它全部下载后就可以享受不缓冲的音乐录影带了。

You Tube的创意是提供平台给大家把自己喜欢的音乐录影带传上去分享给其他人,甚至有些录制自己的录影带传上去也有;有些人觉得这样有点违法或有点盗版行为,确实如此,但音乐迷们对YouTube得如痴如醉,这也使全世界的音乐迷对它的热衷支持。
