Let it snow, let it snow…


It is unusal to have heavy snow in London. Accoring to BBC that it has been 18 years to have heavy snow and it is up to 6in (15cm) of snow. I finally waited for the the real snow.

It is so fun and exciting! What’s important, this is my first time to see the snow. Everything covers by snow. I made some snow man in our garden and the snow has not stopped so far. Because the heavy snow, all the transportation has shut down and classes were off for 2 days, so I organised my classmates to have some snow flight and went to the hill to have some sledging. However, I do feel like I was having a holiday in Norway. What is a wonderful snowing day. Some pictures are here to share to you.

昨天晚上就开始下雪,超级大的雪,因为伦敦在南部,很少有很大的雪,但因为这股俄罗斯和北欧洲的风吹来英国南部,使伦敦下起超级大的雪。据说18年来最大的雪发生在伦敦。开始我还觉得雪应该不是很厚,雪下了一天都没有停过。早上8点醒来,路面和说有的房顶都布满了厚厚的雪。雪大到我觉得像在挪威!刚走出去门外,天啊,5-10寸深。把脚一踏,覆盖了你整个鞋子!我在花园堆砌雪人。应所以的交通工具都停了,地铁,巴士都不能动,学校也关闭了。 我和约翰下午组织同学们一起去打雪球,滑雪。在学校后面有个小山,同学们拿着朔料袋就玩起滑雪。超级搞笑和好玩!这是一部分照片