Mango Catwalk Show in Oxford Street

Mango Catwalk Show

Mango Shop had a fashion show on Sunday night to train the employees about this new autumns’ collection. The company had provided drinks and snack food. It was a fantastic ideas and people had great fun to perform and to watch. Because the models were all the volunteers of the employees, and not by hired model, so that the atmosphere was extraordinate lively. I am glad that I was part of it and had some laugh with people. You can see more pictures from here.

我们被邀请参加西班牙店Mango在繁华商业街Oxford Street举行的一场不正式的catwalk 表演。主办方还专门提供了酒水和食物。据说是对今年秋装时尚的一场培训 - 搞场catwalk 表演好过无聊的时尚培训。模特都是mango的自愿表演的工作人员,所以什么体型的模特都有。就因为这个原因,让气氛更加轻松自如。我也和很多朋友和公司员工一起享受这场秋装服装秀。这里有更多照片可以看。