A London Day Trip to show my friend


This gallery contains 8 photos.

Living and working in London for few years now and sometimes it is still amazed me how great London is, and how charming this city is. Some of the historical buildings were built in hundred years old, or maybe even … Continue reading

River Trip and Parties


The school has organised a boat trip to Greenwich on Wednesday. We were on the top boat and saw all the tourists’ attractions such as London Eye and Big Ben. Additionally, I also met some new friends from other classes and had some crazy laugh with thousands pictures taken. It was a windy cold spring day, but it didn’t reduce our fun at all.

After we arrived in Greenwich, we walked around a little because I have been there with John’s family last summer. Friends decided to go to the pub and have some beer! Then all of us – 16 people went to the restaurant I had booked, ate some delicious food and went to another bar.

So we decided to try the popular Buddha Bar near London Eye. I heard that it is a franchise which is based in Paris and all over the world. It is a very posh and fancy bar / restaurant. We had some talks, laugh and dance till 12 am, then we went home, the rest of friends went on continually till 5am! It was properly the last time all the friends gathering – I will miss you of my friends. Here some pictures to share with you

因学期快结束了,所以学校组织周三大家坐船一游泰晤士河到格林尼治 – (英国伦敦东南一市镇,为本初子午线所经过的地方〕虽然当天风很大,大家兴致还是不减,坐在船顶,照相聊天和在船上看伦敦出名旅游景点。大家到了格林尼治之后决定去当地的酒吧喝上几杯,接着16个朋友去我订的餐厅(就在伦敦眼50米的地方,餐厅面对着泰晤士河,风景绝佳)。之后当然再接下场,自从离开广州之后,好久没有这么疯狂过了 – 去了很出名的(佛吧)听说它的基地在巴黎,然后世界各地都有。佛吧里面超级高级,看得出是很多政客去谈生意或疯狂的地方。我们喝了很多鸡尾酒,快到12点,我和约翰先回去了,他明天要上班,其他的同学疯狂再换去跳舞的地方疯狂到零晨5点。太疯狂了!可能大家分别后也没有很多机会大家一起吃饭疯狂,我会想念你们! 这是一些最新照片

Spring in London


It was John’s birthday yesterday, and it was sweet to spend with him relaxing at home and eating some great food. Today, it was a nice crispy sunny day of Spring in London, so we decided to have a walk along the Regent Canal with Miwa. Luckily we had finished all the school projects and essays, so we can enjoy our free time.

We talked two miles to reach Angel in Islington. On the half way, John discovered a local market called Broadway Market next to Victoria Park. Surprisingly, it is a very trendy area – all you can see there were full of fashionable young people, who were shopping some local food, picking their sandwiches, drinking some fruit smoothes, as well as purchasing some second hand clothes.

Miwa and I first picked some German sausage hot-dog to share, and then we bought some French fusion food – coconut tiger prawn with some rice for £7. 50 each. John picked some healthy vegetable burger. The normal lunch price is from £3 – £8, and dessert from £2 – £5. It is not bad with so much fresh and home-made food or desserts – a perfect for a Spring panic in the Park. I do like this market – funky, trendy and fusion style. Then we walked another mile to reach Islington and had some chill Mango Passion fruit Frappuccino – so nice and cool to call a day.


昨天是约翰的生日,我们买了很多东西在家下厨,本想买礼物给他,出去逛街,结果买了很多自己的东西,却没有买给他,哈哈,他不介意的。我们把所有学校的功课都完成了,决定好好休息和享受春天的到来。所以今天,一个清爽蓝色的周末,我们决定和日本朋友 – 美和一起沿着学校的小河散步到另一个城镇。



Hampton Court


Hampton Court called The Great Hall, which is England’s greatest medieval hall and one of Britain’s oldest theatres. William Shakespeare’s company performed there in 1603-4. It is famous also because it was one of Henry VIII’s palaces in 16 century. It is unmissable to not visit it if you love the historical of England’s buildings and architectures.

We went to visit Hampton Court after watching one of my favourite TV series The Tudors.It took 1 hour by train to get there and we had a picnic at lunch, and then walked around the court for at least 3-4 hours. It is an enormous palace with many pretty gardens – even have a grape garden to make wine for Henry VIII. It still remains the same looking kitchens, beds, entertaining rooms as well as gardens in the period of Henry VIII. It was a great trip and it makes me feel that was it like in the old days. There are some pictures here.



因亨利八世BBC连续剧,我决定来汉普顿宫殿参观下。大概一个半小时的地铁到车程,我们先在花园野餐,然后再进入宫殿。里面超级大,就花园就有4-5个不同形状和主题的花园,还有葡萄园 – 据说亨利八世自己种的葡萄,然后运酿成葡萄酒。当时英国也有很好的葡萄酒。



London attractions

carmen in london

John took me visit all the attractions in London at the weekend. We have been through London eye, The Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square,The Tower of London,The British Museum,Tate Gallery of Modern Art, China Town, Buckingham Palace, OXO Tower, Piccadilly Circus, St Paul`s Cathedral, Shakespeare`s Globe Theatre and Brick Lane. I can’t believe that we have done so many tourist places in these two days, but I got a lot of fun and different experience as well.

On the way I also went to play on the Mary-go-around for few minutes. It sounds childish, but actually I haven’t done that since 1990; it just reminded me of my childhood. Many cool artists perform their show near London eyes. You put some money, then they will move or perform for you. Funny things is I wasn’t expect to see a man dressed up with a horror mouth in his stomach and I was screaming and everyone was looking at me. And then the man decided to make me scream one more time; he was chasing me and used his scary month to bite my arm. God…so funny but I couldn’t help screaming.

I have to say there are so many places to visit in London and I love the city atmosphere.