About Carmen

Love jazz and good food

The Dark Knight at London IMAX


We reserved tickets to see The Dark Knight at the London IMAX Cinema over two months – the seats there really are that popular, and the main reason is that it is the largest cinema in the UK.

We’ve been wanting to see the movie for a long time since we saw it being filmed in Hong Kong at the same time we happened to be there in 2007.

The movie is directed by Christopher Nolan. Normally I dodn’t care about directors but I have to say that Christopher Nolan is one of the best directors I’ve seen. He produced The Prestige (2006) and The Dark Knight (2008). It seems he likes Christian Bale in his films. There is no doubt about Christian Bale’s professional acting. I love all his movies, such as American Psycho (2000) .

People said The Dark Knight might break Titanic’s record in the movie history. I hope so as well. It is a big budget movie with the latest technology, good story and good actors, and looked absolutley fantastic on an IMAX screen. In fact, the movie was specially shot so that certain scenes were recorded on an IMAX camera, which really gives you a great feeling of being directly in front of the action.

The bad character in the movie is called The Joker and was played by Heath Ledger, who recently died of an accidental drug overdose. His most famous movie is Brokeback Mountain (2005).

I really enjoyed thismovie and was glad that we waited so long to see it at an IMAX cinema.

我们在一个月前终于定到了(蝙蝠侠之黑暗骑士)的电影票,在伦敦imax 电影院放映。因它是英国最大电影屏幕的3D电影院,所以超级受欢迎,每天都暴场。在里面看蝙蝠侠,就象你会跟着镜头走,跟着蝙蝠侠飞,超级逼真,超级动感,再说,能用3D看蝙蝠侠更是最大的享受。


这电影的导演Christopher曾拍摄几部我超级喜欢的电影,包裹(致命魔术,当然还有这部蝙蝠侠拉, 都是蝙蝠侠主角Christian Bale 主演的,那是因为Chris导演知道他能胜任这些难度超高的角色。看过Christian的演技,大家公认他是十分出色的演员,我也喜欢他演的(美国狂魔),总之有他的电影都值得一看。

听说因为蝙蝠侠的超人气,票房可能打破Titanic的最高票房历史纪录,希望吧。看得出电影的经费特高,排场超大, 好主题,好电影,值得去电影院看。听说里面的小丑坏人主角是(断背山)他在08年1月因意外自杀了。真可惜,不然他会是好莱巫以后很抢手的演员。


The Tudors


The Tudors was first presented by Showtime in 2007, and they are back again this year for season 2. Along with Dexter they are producing my favourite TV programs. It is a historical fictional drama about the early reign of the King of England Henry VIII. Henry VIII was famous because he overthrew the Roman Catholic Church so that he could marry Anne Boleyn, and then continued on to marry a total of six times.

In the TV series Henry VIII is played by super handsome Jonathan Rhys Meyers . Along with being very handsome, Jonathan plays the part of Henry perfectly, and makes the series especially compelling.

The first series finished in 2007 and now the BBC is presenting season 2 in HD now – fantastic! 2 thumbs up!

The Tudors 是关于15世纪亨利八世的历史故事,我只记得当我们在学历史的时候,亨利八世为了娶安.波林而推翻天主教罗马教会,这也是英国社会在当时一个重要的转折点,还有他因结了6次婚和推行宗教改革而在英国史上出名了。


Nintendo Wii Fit


We bought a Nintendo Wii games console over one year ago in Guangzhou and recently bought the Wii Fit in London. Apparently we have influenced at least six friends to buy it after they have played it, and they are extremely popular in the UK and we had to order the Wii Fit online shipped from German because UK ran out of stocks.

Using the Wii Fit you can practice your yoga, balancing, and other fun exercises to burn your calories. It’s really good for the lazy people such as myself and when I have time I use it to excercise and keep track of my weight. It’s really fun to play with freinds and makes for a good purchase.

不知不觉我们在广州买了Wii 任天堂游戏机有一年多了,之后在伦敦才买Wii Fit。我们成功的说服了至少6个朋友也买了它。Wii 在哪里都超级受欢迎,我们还要上网订购Wii fit,而从德国运过来才行,因为当时英国卖短货了。

我用Wii Fit锻炼俞加或是一些平衡的游戏,每天锻炼,它不仅让你流汗,还真的可以消耗卡路里,对我这些懒人又可以玩游戏,又可以做运动,何乐不为呢?我要保持苗条的身材,或要再瘦点!当你有很多朋友来你家时,大家可以一起玩一些互动游戏和一起开怀大笑。我觉得是不错的投资!希望你也买一个玩玩吧!

Shanghai Blues (Dimsum and Live Jazz)


As a dimsum lover I ate a lot of delicious dimum while Guangzhou; it’s one of the main things I love about Guangzhou. As a new visitor in London I wanted to see what the dim sum here is like.

I read Shanghai Blues is one of the better dimsum restaurants. As well as serving dim sum in a luxury Chinese and Western style decoration they also serve Gongfu Tea and have live Jazz music every Friday night – everything I could hope for in a restaurant! The dimsum is about 5 pounds per dish, normal evening dish from 15 pounds.

Dimsum and food is 3.8 of 5; environment 4.5 of 5; service 4.5 of 5. I am sure I will return there again.

说到喝茶,吃点心,这是我在广州7年必做的事,三五知己周末一起去喝茶聊天,广州的点心价廉物美,什么档次都有,这也是广州的魅力一处。所以我要在伦敦尝试一些好吃的点心餐厅,我相信太多的这样的餐厅了。听说“蒲点”是评为超好的十大点心餐厅之一。这个餐厅的特色是你不仅仅你可以尝到精致的点心,中西结合的奢华环境,还可以点功夫茶,听爵士乐(每周五都有)天啊,这不是统统是我的最爱嘛,点心,功夫茶和爵士…我们定了7点半,进入餐厅,装饰超级时尚,里面象个俱乐部,蓝色基调,听说鸡尾酒最出名。点心从5磅起,其他菜从18磅起,5星最高来说,我给点心评价3.8个星,环境4.5, 服务4.5。相信我以后还是会去尝试多点点心的,听现场的爵士…



I have been using lastfm for almost a year and I love it so much. last.fm is a UK base internet radio for music lovers to listen music, or explore similar artists. All you need to do is to apply for an account and add all your favorite artists in to the library. The system will look at your music taste and introduce more good music to you. You might find that other users will recommend various music to you as well.

The web site is stylish and very easy to use! Besides, it also has HK and Taiwan popular artists in Chinese.

I use it to play music when I surf the internet. I know there are a lot of similar websites, but I highly recommend this one to you.

用了lastfm这个在线音乐网站一年了, lastfm是一个英国十分流行的internet播放器,它让我爱不释手,几乎一上网就习惯要打开它,作为我音乐的背景。网站设计十分时髦,新型和使用超级简单。你要登记一个账户,然后找寻你喜欢的音乐歌手,系统会跟你介绍类似你喜欢的歌手,让你接触更多你喜欢的音乐;也有些歌迷会介绍好听的歌曲或歌手给你。


Arrived in London

I packed my luggage and it took me 7 hours to get to HK airport. Luckily I could see the Olympic Opening Ceremony while I was waiting to check in. Even thought I am tired of Olympic topics in China, the opening ceremony was stunning and I almost burst into tears when I saw our national flag and everyone was singing our national song.

Anyway, after another 13 hours on the plane I finally arrived at Heathrow airport and went through the immigration. I thought I would need to take an x-ray on the spot because I’m staying in the UK more than 1 year, but apparently you don’t anymore. Great!

I arrived and felt like I had never left, everything was so familiar. The next day I registered with the police. Hopefully I will open my bank accounts on tomorrow morning. The weather is not fantastic here, chilly and raining, although often with a blue sky.



My newborn niece

My sister told me that her baby was one week late. Since I said goodbye to Guangzhou and came back to Shantou to see my family before I fly to London. I am so surprised that the baby is so eager to say hello to me and the baby was born on 30th July at 3: 35 pm – exactly the day I arrived in Shantou. It’s a baby girl and weighs 5.8kg, with big eyes and looks like exactly like my brother-in-law. I am now officially an aunty.

My family is overwhelming excited; even thought sister was a little bit disappointed it was not a boy, because she was expecting a boy. My brother-in-law and I are happy to have a baby girl anyway! I will be flying this Friday and next time when I see the baby girl, she can speak, and will be more cute. Baby’s English name is called Natalie.



Moving to London

Moving to London

As some of you know, my time in London was a testing period to see what the city is like. Very shortly I will be moving there to study for a masters degree at the University Of London.

Saying goodbye to Guangzhou, and especially my good friends, is not easy. I have spent a total of seven years in Guangzhou, arriving here as an innocent girl from Shantou. I’ve enjoyed my life, my studies, and my jobs here in Guangzhou and it is not without some sadness that I leave. However, although I am scared I am also excited to have something new and challenging to look forward to. I will need to start from scratch and work very hard, but the rewards should be well worth it.

I really wish I could take all my friends with me to London and I will miss them all. I am so glad they are always there for me and want them to know that they have played an important part of my life. I wish the best of luck to all of my friends and hope to see them in London.

See you soon Guangzhou.





Sex and the City Movie

Sex and the City Movie

As a big fan of Sex And The City, I have have been waiting to see the movie. London was chosen to host the premier, and all members of the cast showed up in Leicester Square on 12th May 2008. It’s a pity that I wasn’t arriving in the UK until the week after and so missed the chance to see them. Never mind, the movie opened to the public while I was there, and I did get chance to see it.

Love is complicated…

The movie is a continuation of the last season from TV, and begins by filling in the gaps of the time immediately after the close of the TV show. All the actors are very professional and give skillful performances in the movie. The movie contains different elements which will touch and break your heart, as well as give you joy. I will not say too much about the details of the movie, but you will find out when you watch it. Actually I was in tears several times for the humorous conversation, heart-breaking moments, happy unions, and especially the understanding of different kinds of love in the movie.

I enjoyed the movie so much and there are many moment I felt so connected. I guess the movie is also the end of our legendary story of Sex And The City series. Like the movie says: there are always perfect ending in fairy tales, but in reality, there is not always a perfect ending in our lives.

I gave it 4.5 stars of 5.

作为Sex and the City 忠实fans,我们期待已久的电影版终于上映了,虽然我赶不上12号他们来伦敦的首映,但上周末去电影院就让我一饱眼福了。



Sex and the City 就象是陪伴我们一起长大的故事,2008年这部电影也是对这部连续局10年来划上一个句号。象电影里面说的,童话故事都有完美的结局,但现实上不是每个人都有没有完美的结局,但当然我们还是要保持生活的积极态度。我们会想念这个传奇故事的连续剧,我们也会想念他们的服装,更想念曾经陪我们一起走过的岁月。

Feist in Royal Albert Hall

Feist in Royal Albert Hall

Some people might have heard the song from the Apple Nano advert “1234”, but not known who sang it. The singer is Leslie Feist, from Canada. I am so lucky to have seen her perform in London at the Royal Albert Hall, which is situated in the Knightsbridge area facing Hyde Park. Before the concert we walked for a while in Hyde Park and it is huge, beautiful ,and peaceful.

The Royal Albert Hall was opened by Queen Victoria in 1871 in memory of her husband, Prince Albert. The exterior of the building is very distinctive and looks like a giant mushroom. We went inside and there was a guide to show us to our seats, which turned out to be a small private room containing four seats, as well as a private dressing table. I was so thrilled! The interior is amazing, with a huge open circular space in traditional English style. I felt like I was a princess watching some opera.

The show started at 8: 30 PM. Wearing a short white vintage dress with frilly sleeves and high top tennis shoes, Feist played most of her songs from the recent album. Set against a backdrop featuring a woman drawing live finger paint art, this was also a highlight of her concert. Nearly everything about the performance was flawless. She didn’t have any edgy voice, and sang with such dexterity and clarity. She can move from breathy to yelping to full-bodied and elegant. I have to say that her voice is so beautiful and powerful.

Feist was also a very good conversationalist, making jokes, and coercing the audience to join in various songs. It was hard not to like her, and it was a pity that she didn’t sing one of my favorite songs – “Secret Heart”.

Anyway, I am very pleased to watch her professional performance at the Royal Albert Hall. Absolutely it is worth five stars.