

Summer has gone and now it is Autumn! I have noticed that people have changed in autumn clothes, wearing sunglass and having a suntan! I need to apologies to all my friends that I haven’t been updating my blog for sometimes. I have been so busy on Octorber, such as wedding, birthdays and parties, but I had a fantastic time with friends.

Recently, I try to get used to the new job as well as the new colleagues. Another good news is that eventually I am able to get my university degree certificate regardless how hard I worked for it. However, I still need to work hard on my English by reading more novels or practice more. I am glad that I am making progress slowly in my life.

I am trying my best to be a good colleague, good girlfriend, good friend, good daughter (sometimes I’m not good enough at all), good charming Carmen…

Principles of Life(生活的原则)

What are your principles? You may not have thought about it so directly. Principles are what you think is right and wrong. They are the rules that guide you. They are what tells you if it’s right to steal, even though no one will ever know. Whether it’s right to cheat, even though no one will ever find out. Whether it’s right to hurt someone just because you can.

Principles are not only for yourself, they are for your family, for your society, and for your country. I’ve read in the news that China’s economy is becoming stronger and that our life is getting better and better, but when people in other countries still think that our products and our reputation is cheap; that we copy everything, make fake products, pirate DVD, then I wonder how much credibility we really have.

I am positive that our country and some people have made tremendous contributions to China. Take Haier and Shanghai Tang as examples. They’ve both become international Chinese brands. China needs more enterprises like these, more to increase not only our economy, but also our standing in the world.

Sometimes I feel bad about the way we are perceived. A lot of the time the problem is one of principles. People like the easy way to make more money; to make their life more enjoyable; to not work so hard like others. Some people think it’s the smart way, and they believe it’s the most efficient way. They lose their principles or faith when they face the temptation.

Principles also affect our everyday life. Do you work hard because you want to succeed, or do you secretly hope that someone will come and rescue you so you don’t need to do anything? What make your life not empty, so that you are not like someone who has lost their faith and just joins the big crowd? Principles can make you not just like toys or animals. They can make you feel like you have a brain and wisdom to think what is right and what is wrong.

To be in this new generation brings with it new responsibilities. We have better education, a more international culture; we have our own thoughts and our own dream to pursue. We can do better than our parents. However, should we focus only on material gains? Is a new car, house, or TV the road to happiness? Our principles may cause us to ask ‘what can I do for my country?’ As well as taking from the country we need to give back to it. We need to ensure that while we grow economically strong it is not at the expense of reputation. Life is not just about taking; it’s also about giving.

I will try and make sure I stick to my principles.



有没有生活的原则,这小到个人道德的问题,再到你家庭教育的问题,大到影响到中国社会的原则。虽近年来,中国的经济实力增长无可否认,人民生活水平也有所提高,但说到中国的名声及产品,给外国人的第一印象还是产品不精致,便宜,仿冒,造假,盗版光碟及信用度不高等;像最出名的(Google-谷歌)中国的版本(Baidu-百度) ICQ变到中国几亿人口都在用的腾讯QQ;站在我们的角度,不是说提倡中国版本不好,外国版本中国化,改装到更适合中国人喜欢的版本,更贴中国人的心;但对外国人来说,不仅是侵犯到他们的版权及名誉问题,还盗用他们的研发劳动成果。

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Sensibility – 感悟





昨盼雨, 为何迟迟不来,

2003年自己的诗集 – 是我写给我曾经很爱的人,现在打这首诗歌的时候我还记得我在半夜躺在床上写的,虽过3年多,但还是历历在目啊。但望故人在他乡安好。虽爱得很深,伤得很深,一切都随风而去了,留下的只是回忆。人永远向前看,往前走,在你生命中有很多过客,有缘分,也要惜缘,缘分已到,强求也没有用,人生苦短,开心才是最重要的,我老和朋友讲,一加一一定要等于二,所以两个人在一起,要等于2份开心,不然,何苦在一起呢?我相信每个人总有一个真正属于他/她的另一半。

Thailand Trip


We planed to travel in Thailand by ourselves in May Pubic holiday. We booked the Air Asia Airline from Macao to Bangkok. Air Asia is cheap for the backpack traveler.

First destination: Bangkok

Bangkok known to the locals as Krungthep (City of Angels) is the rapidly beating heart of Thailand. Despite being just over 200 years old, it houses 8 million people and has all the facilities that a modern capital requires.

Here you will find the Grand Palace and the floating market, as well as the infamous Khao San road, and many other seedier tourist delights.
Bangkok suffers from major traffic problems, and journeys can (and often will) take much longer than the distance would have you believe. To alleviate this, Bangkok constructed the Expressway, cutting straight through the city. Additionally, there is the Skytrain, an overhead metro system, as well as an underground metro system.

There is another transportation is called Tuk Tuk. They will offer you a very good deal about travel in Bangkok; but it turned out they drive you to visit a tailor, a jeweller, or a restaurant. Just completely ignore TukTuk; take a taxi and save yourself any hassle.
Without sounding intimidating, you do need to apply a lot of common sense in Bangkok or the whole Thailand. As a tourist you will be a prime target for small-time scams, cons, and rip-offs. This is I didn’t enjoy the transportation in Bangkok. You couldn’t trust anyone at all. Who knows anyone came to talk to you and being nice to you, it turned out they all want you to visit the jeweler shop…

The Grand Palace

The Grand Palace, home of the King for nearly two centuries, is probably Bangkok’s number one tourist destination and a required visit for everyone. It is a vast and intoxicating mixture of temples, shrines, palaces, and heavily jewelled and painted architecture.
A visit here is well worth the 250 baht entrance fee. It’s more than just a mere Kodak-moment, and you’ll likely spend the first 10 minutes walking around in astonishment at the sheer variety and quantity of sights.

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Learning Japanese





I love my hometown – Shantou



老是想写点什么关于汕头的,但由于工作,一直没有很多时间去动笔;直到看到涵了点关于汕头的,才让我有灵感写下几段话跟大家分享。汕头-一个让我感到骄傲的城市,一个我土生土长的地方,它的空气,它的土地是抚养育我成长,认识我的所有朋友都知道我总为是汕头人为自豪,而给我一个称号 “特区青年”,。


一个给我美好童年, 塑造我独立个性, 恩赐我许多疼爱我的朋友们; 我总为我小学时候11 人帮而骄傲, 我老做带头羊跟他们去 “攻城” , 早上5: 30 在我楼下停车场打羽毛球; 放学后到四五个哥们到 我家打麻将; 我们就像电影中的 ( Eleven Ocean ) 11罗汉, 可惜他们个个都是学习上的精英成绩都在top 10 , 从不会被老师骂; 每次去哪里玩, 出事背黑锅的一定是我, 可怜的我! 虽我们11罗汉现在分散世界各地, 个个都为自己的将来而奋斗, 聚少散多, 但彼此的默契是永远不会磨灭的, 直到现在我们都个很好得姐妹兄弟, 我为有他们而骄傲.这是我人生中最开心的求学第一阶段。



中专篇 - (觉悟的年代)

一个让我锻炼英文的基地, 在许多十分聪明和多才多艺的同学中,给与我三年时间去了解他们,互相学习。在树造我的个性,大家出了很多功劳,永远忘记不了第一年在东夏路操场上的体育课,音乐课,哈哈,大家都是多么天真无邪;和旖旎在出演“小红帽”的英文话剧,到第二,三年时候,中午被逼要在学校吃饭,楼下的“沙县”啊姨长期照顾;,在大型电影院的“Do Re Mi” 歌剧,回想起来时间的流逝, 中专是我第二个最开心的求学阶段。



人生的三分之一在求学阶段,我总对自己说自己是多么幸运,汕头给我快乐人生的三分之一,我也希望我人生的三分之二也是这么的幸运。一个让我永远有归属感的地方,空气都比外面新鲜十倍,汕头人总有种“倍思亲”的传统,虽然在外,心总在汕头,从小到现在总想为汕头贡献的什么,以后有钱也会为我可爱的汕头贡献,这是我的心愿;所以年少的心总想到外面看看世界,体验下外面有多大,不同新鲜的事物,喜欢改变又害怕改变的矛盾心里,喜欢在摸索中学习,满足自己的好奇心,希望不辜负父母给我的这一条生命。 没有来过汕头的朋友们,记得要来这个美丽的小城市! 很快我会附上从小学到初中到中专我的相片。

Breaking Tradition


More people are getting married during ages between 22 to 25 in Shantou. Like my Mum usual told a girl that when she is under 25, she can choose what man she wants to marry, because men are prefer young girls generally. However, it is a tradition that women reply on men and being passive. It is like hundreds years ago in the West, and it still exists that women grow up as a passive images to be chosen by men. As silly as my Mum, they don’t see women as intelligent as men, as long as women can find a good husband.

Nowadays, female have equal education and occupation choices and they don’t have to reply on searching men to get married because they are ‘young’. On the opposite, there are many failure marriages because of marrying too young or married the wrong one. When they are young, they have not experience enough and made a rush choice to be with someone. People should know whether they have ability to create a new family. It does exist that people are too young to marry a wrong one. Of course I also see many people had their happy marriages. I do think women are smart and capable to choose what they want, and whether they want to marry or not, regardless the age issues or social pressure either judgement.

Different people have different ideas about the issue. despite age or gender issues, this is about breaking tradition. It’s different valuation to choose. if something you choose for sure, keep walking on to search your happiness without complaining because it is your choice.

The reason inspired me to write this article is the movie Mona Lisa Smile which showed women were try to break through the tradition. The main character was a teacher, and her personality was influenced her female students. Instead of getting married after graduation, the female students can do whatever they want to achieve in their life, not just focus on marriage. Ideally we hope women can be a good wife and be successful in their career as well.






Challenge Yourself in 2006 (挑战自己,走向无限)

Infinity is limitless
What is infinity?
Infinity is brave
is providence
is creativity
You need to break the tradition
and walk out to the comfort zone
Continually to find the changes
Challenge tradition
Subvert the moment.

走出Comfort zone (舒适地带)


Black and White


You might think “black and white” party? No, there is an interesting topic about different about complexion in China and the West.

My western friends keep asking me “ why the Chinese always like taking the umbrella wherever sunshine is coming out?” people like be tanned or have a brown skin in the west. On the opposite, people in mainland China prefer their skin to look very white even like pale. There are several reasons for that. The big reason for white skin because Chinese men like women to look white. If women look white, it means they are week and innocent and men can protect them. The others reason is that white skin means they are rich, dark skin means they are working outdoors all the time, not an properly ladies.

However, in the west, people like to be tanned a lot and it represents healthy and fashion. It means people have more time for outdoors or on holidays and it is a rich symbol.

The same thought has appeared in most cultures. Hundreds of years ago it was a sign of beauty in Europe for a woman to be white, and this was for the exact same reasons: being white implied you were not working class, being dark implied you were a worker. At that time women used to apply all sorts of dangerous chemicals to their face to make it whiter. Queen Elizabeth I is famous for wearing lead powder, a chemical that we now know as being toxic to humans.

I’m sure the same will happen in China and over time having a tan will be a sign of wealth.





Favourite Work Of Art

If we are talking about ages, then my favourite age is the Victorian one, spanning the years 1819 to 1901. This period of time was characterised by rapid changes and developments in nearly every sphere. Queen Victoria was the first English monarch to see her name given to a period whilst still living. I love a lot of literature, fashion, and works of art from the Victoria era. Today we associate this time with Protestant work ethics, family values, religious observation, and institutional faith.

There is so much artwork and fashion from the Victorian age that I love. My favourites include Georges Seurat (Sunday afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte), a French painter who was a leader in the neo-impressionist movement of the late 19th century. Georges Seurat is the ultimate example of the artist as scientist.

Another is James Tissot. Victorian Life/Modern Love features many of Tissot’s finest works (The Ball 1878 di James Tissot oil on canvas). Tissot’s entire career, with particular emphasis on the paintings he did in London, reflect his penetrating insight into Victorian life.

There are a lot of books that represent the Victoria era like ” A Woman’s Place” an Oral History of Working Class Women, 1890-1940 from Elizabeth Roberts. This tells the story of a conformist generation, obedient to tradition, their emotional and material wants narrowed by poverty and fatalism, their manners and morals disciplined by Christian values (not doctrine).


维多利亚时期也正是艺术界最活跃的时期之一,经过了新古典主义绘画,记录真人为模特的肖像画取代了原本的宗教画,由此我们也可以从当时的绘画中,最直接的看到十九世纪的维多利亚时代的各种时代背景,像时装,文学和风格。维多利亚时代的女性在追求成为谨慎的“ 女士”同时,职业妇女,去异国旅行的有闲太太等以新的行动模式出现的女性层出不穷。上世纪六十年起风行的维多利亚风潮中最有趣的是,从政治宗教的观点来看,它跟身穿黑裙的维多利亚女王所统治的十九世纪封建维多利亚王朝的理念是完全对立的。这也是当时的维多利亚时尚的魅力所在。内衣外穿,蕾丝和丝袜和缎子,长衬裙,再加上多数的Chelsea (伦敦高级时尚区)的女孩都在蝴蝶结或鞋上缀上以浮雕宝石,六十年代所流行的维多利亚风就这样被定义下来,那是一个新时代,同时也象征着一个纯洁无暇的时代的到来。