Hampton Court


Hampton Court called The Great Hall, which is England’s greatest medieval hall and one of Britain’s oldest theatres. William Shakespeare’s company performed there in 1603-4. It is famous also because it was one of Henry VIII’s palaces in 16 century. It is unmissable to not visit it if you love the historical of England’s buildings and architectures.

We went to visit Hampton Court after watching one of my favourite TV series The Tudors.It took 1 hour by train to get there and we had a picnic at lunch, and then walked around the court for at least 3-4 hours. It is an enormous palace with many pretty gardens – even have a grape garden to make wine for Henry VIII. It still remains the same looking kitchens, beds, entertaining rooms as well as gardens in the period of Henry VIII. It was a great trip and it makes me feel that was it like in the old days. There are some pictures here.



因亨利八世BBC连续剧,我决定来汉普顿宫殿参观下。大概一个半小时的地铁到车程,我们先在花园野餐,然后再进入宫殿。里面超级大,就花园就有4-5个不同形状和主题的花园,还有葡萄园 – 据说亨利八世自己种的葡萄,然后运酿成葡萄酒。当时英国也有很好的葡萄酒。



A Day Trip to Kent


Regardless how stressful of school works, I am glad that Melanie came to visit us in London on Friday, so we decided to drive to visit Maidstone in Kent City, which known as the Garden of England. There are some areas dating back to beyond the Stone Age.

Maidstone is 32 miles away in south-east of London. It is a pretty historical town with many 14th century churches and museums. We walked around the town centre and drove to see the Leeds Castle.

Leeds Castle

First, we went to Lehman village for some lunches, and then drove another 3-5 miles, we arrived Leeds castle. £15 for entrance fee. It is famous for next to a lake, and it is huge, peaceful, as well as astonishing beauty of the castle and the garden. It might take you at least 2-3 hours wondering around.

The castle was a royal palace for many generations of Kings and Queens. Unusually, there are several black swans and peacocks walking around, and apparently they like tourists’ attention. We might return there on summer holiday. Here are some pictures.




Iphone 3G


John decided to buy the Iphone 3G from O2. He chose 16G instead of the 8G, because it is faster and have more memory. According to the rumors, the Iphone will be released a new version without 3G in China very soon. It will be interesting to see, of course, no one can ignore the big Chinese market nowadays. Some people are also saying that Iphone will have a super version this summer. John can upgrade to the new version, and then the 3G will be mine. Haha…can not wait! After using it, everything is so simple and easy to use. You can use it for google maps, ipod, Internet, messages, camera and everything can be connected with an Apple computer.

I have to say after using an Apple computer, you will become addicted and become an Apple person!

约翰终于在O2买了iphone 3G,内存16G的,他之前问我怎么样?我大力支持他买iphone,除了外形漂亮,实在十分使用,又可以讲电话,听音乐,(看来我们的黑色nano又要卖掉了),又可以上网,3G 定位系统,开车最方便。他还下载了很多使用的软件,比如走到哪里就可以查到最好吃的餐馆,就想带着小型的电脑一样。实在太方便了。对他这种超级喜欢科技的人,iphone最实用不过。听说iphone要在中国推出新的iphone,但没有3G的定位系统,当然不能忽视中国这个大市场拉,人们消费能力这么强!绝对支持!

自从用了苹果机的电脑和ipod之后,太爱苹果的东西了,从设计,功能,和使用性来说,微软远远没有能比苹果的。我们是苹果的超级fans! 听内部消息说,iphone这个夏天6-7月要升级,约翰说一升级,他再买新的,3G的就属于我的。哈哈,快点升级阿。iphone超级好用啊!我开心的又照了几张照片

Let it snow, let it snow…


It is unusal to have heavy snow in London. Accoring to BBC that it has been 18 years to have heavy snow and it is up to 6in (15cm) of snow. I finally waited for the the real snow.

It is so fun and exciting! What’s important, this is my first time to see the snow. Everything covers by snow. I made some snow man in our garden and the snow has not stopped so far. Because the heavy snow, all the transportation has shut down and classes were off for 2 days, so I organised my classmates to have some snow flight and went to the hill to have some sledging. However, I do feel like I was having a holiday in Norway. What is a wonderful snowing day. Some pictures are here to share to you.

昨天晚上就开始下雪,超级大的雪,因为伦敦在南部,很少有很大的雪,但因为这股俄罗斯和北欧洲的风吹来英国南部,使伦敦下起超级大的雪。据说18年来最大的雪发生在伦敦。开始我还觉得雪应该不是很厚,雪下了一天都没有停过。早上8点醒来,路面和说有的房顶都布满了厚厚的雪。雪大到我觉得像在挪威!刚走出去门外,天啊,5-10寸深。把脚一踏,覆盖了你整个鞋子!我在花园堆砌雪人。应所以的交通工具都停了,地铁,巴士都不能动,学校也关闭了。 我和约翰下午组织同学们一起去打雪球,滑雪。在学校后面有个小山,同学们拿着朔料袋就玩起滑雪。超级搞笑和好玩!这是一部分照片

Chinese New Year Parade


I organised our classmates to eat in Cha Cha Moon Chinese restaurant for a quick lunch. Then we walked to Chinatown and Trafalgar Square to see the dragon parade. It was so crowded and eventually we only saw some tiny little dragon. It was a little bit disoppointed but we had a good laugh with friends. Here is some pictures to share.

我组织同学们去吃中国菜和看舞狮表演,连我们的老师也加入我们团队。大家二三群吃完饭之后走去中国城。超级多人,拥挤的不得了!我比较失望舞狮表演,太多人,狮子又超级小!在trafalgar 广场,还有中国表演节目呢。由于天气太冷了,冷到下起雪花, 但大家欢欢喜喜,有说有笑的过了一天。最新照片在这里。

Gucci 2009 Spring Collections


Frida Giannini is the designer for Gucci and her designs are sexy, feminine, simple and yet also sophisticated. She is definitely a master of colour and not afraid of using bright colours. Gucci’s 2009 Spring collections is called “Gucci Exotica,” They are mixing elements of streetwear with the beach. Giannini has the same design element as Tom Ford (an ex-Gucci designer).

The collections are so perfect and chic for daily wear to work as well as the evening dress, with simple big-wave-hair, slightly smoking-eyes, a golden neckless and a pair of high heels! Every element is spotless! It’s so my style!

You can see the picture and video from my favourite fashion web style.com

Gucci 2009年的春夏装系列

意大利设计师Giannini已经推出Guicci最新2009春夏装系列。她的每件作品都十分性感,女人味,简单但富有成熟的味道。她绝对是颜色搭配的好手!一点都不怕大红大蓝的颜色。Giannini把2009的春夏装叫做 “Gucci 的异国情调” 绝对十分适合,有街头的味道,加上海滩的休闲, 她和Tom Ford (前Gucci设计师)都把Gucci的代表元素“性感“设计的完美无瑕 – 女人穿上他们的设计都是无比的自信,性感,和富有魅力!

这个系列的衣服我实在太喜欢了 – 从休闲,上班到晚装都是完美的设计。配搭简单的大波长发,一点点熏荤眼,一条百搭简单的金色长项链,加上一双高跟鞋,简直是超级性感和有味道!爱美的我不得不介绍给你们看。大家可以在这里看到这系列的照片录影

Our Home-made Pumpkin Pie


John bought me a recipe book for a Christmas gift. It is one of my favorite chefs’ dessert book James Martin – from the TV series ‘Sweet Baby James’. Today we decided to make one of the recipes and picked the pumpkin pie with pecan. The hard part was making the pastry with pecan, but we did it well. It only cost us a few pounds for the ingredients, but it worths at least 10 pounds in the cafe. The pie looks so amazing and tastes great – it’s not too sweet, with a top layer that could easily melt into your mouth, and pastry is crunchy and tasty with the pecan. It is exactly perfect! We are so proud and pleased with our pie. Hope we will make it for you one day. Here are some pictures


约翰圣诞节送给我最爱的厨师James Martin的甜品书叫“占慕士的甜宝贝“ (我自己翻译的)我们在广州明珠台看过他的这个甜点专辑。今天我们终于有时间做甜点,我们选择了容易做果仁南瓜派。最难做的是打底的馅饼皮,果仁和馅饼皮一起搓,然后加5种香料,南瓜,焦糖,双层奶然后放进炬炉45分钟,出来的效果超级专业,不甜不腻,外层柔软融入你口中,馅饼皮脆而有果仁味道。超级好吃!等大家来我们家做客我做给你们吃哦!照片吸引人吧?

Goodbye 2008, good luck 2009


Another year has passed and another year will soon arrive. As our lives fall into a routine, a day feels like a blink, and a year feels like a month. What did we remember about 2008? There were the Olympic games in China, the worldwide financial crash, and the USA’s new president Barack Obama. 2008 was not exactly a good year for some people, and not a good year to invest.

I feel my shoulder (responsibilities) get heavier every year. Personally, I think I achieved many things and challenged myself in 2008. It is my dream to live aboard and experience the life in the UK. However, I never take this for granted, because it is not easy to come so far and the road will not always be stable. I see it more interesting to walk and face challenges. Despite the fact that life is hard, let’s ‘getting some fun out of life’ like a song from Madeleine Peyroux always encourages me.

When we want to love, we love; When we want to kiss, we kiss
With a little petting, we’re getting Some fun out of life

When we want to work, we work; When we wanna play, we play
In a happy setting, we’re getting; Some fun out of life

Maybe we do the right things ; Maybe we do the wrong
Spending each day; Wending our way along


一年又过去了,日子过得好了,时间眨眼又一天,一年就好像一个月。08让我们最难忘的是北京的奥运,西方的金融风暴和美国新的总统奥巴马。08并非一安稳的好年,09年可能继续陷入金融复活期,但我们以积极的态度去面对,望好的方面去看。多一岁,肩膀的责任越重,但我仍然为自己的梦想奔波着,挑战新的一年。本人来说,08年完成了满多任务的,约翰和我双方见过父母,放弃7年广州的生活,到英国充实自己,学习新的东西,这是我的梦想也是我人生日记中新一页,但这所有的一切来得并不是容易,约翰和我努力着为我们的将来奋斗着,将来的路也并非容易的走下去,我把它看成多点挑战,多点惊喜给自己。我想每个人都有他追求的梦想,有他的问题要去解决,但永远不要忘记,象爵士歌曲中一首歌曲中唱得,记得在生活中 ‘苦中作乐‘, 无论生活多么不如意,这首歌曲永远鼓励我。

Financial Crisis

I am occupied by my studies and I am so surprise that the amount of the reading and preparing I am involving. Even though I don’t have much time to relax, I certainly enjoy the processing of learning new knowledge.

As my major is Business and Global Politics, financial crisis which happens recently is one of popular topics that we can not ignore. I believe it really affects the UK’s economic and employment situation. We buy the newspaper everyday since Lehmen Brother announced their bankruptcy. I felt I am connected with the country – news and surprising headlines in everywhere.

I remember when the financial crisis in Asia happened in 1997, maybe I was young or either we had limit information to experience the real affects of financial crisis, besides, not all of the occupations were affected it, such as Civil Servants, so it didn’t change much of people’s life. As I know that people were tightened their belts and reluctant to spent their money. Now it’s same here in the UK. The economic is slowing down. People don’t want to spend much. The exchange rate rapidly drops. Banks are deceasing the interest rate and stock market is unstable. Frankly, I learned a lot what is the free market.

For China, I saw the news from Guardian(1/11/08) explained that due to the slow economy in the West, many exporting factories in Dongguan were shut down and the workers were forced to lose their jobs. Even the stock market in China was not promising at all. The news in BBC said that frnancial crisis wipes out billions off wealth of China’s super-rich. Sincerely hope 2009 will be getting better and better.

Regardless of all the sad news happened, a stunning good news that the Unite States has their first black president Barack Obama of democratic party, who has won the presidential election on this Weds. We are looking forwards to seeing the new leader of America.

08 经融危机

最近因学习超忙,要读很多课外书和做什么准备工作,学习不再是死记应背,是理解运用。虽没太多时间放松,但却乐在其中。因我选经济和全球政治为我的专业,经融风暴是无法不提的一个话题。英国的经济和就业状况是严重受到它打击之一。从美国强大的经融实业 雷曼兄弟 宣布破产,许多意想不到报纸头条和新闻是关注的重点。同时,我也深感和这个国家一起波动。

记得97年亚洲经融危机时,可能自己太小或有限的媒体接触,不觉得和我们生活有太大的关系。当然,不是每个行业的人都受到影响,例如在政府部门工作。但那时侯只知道,赚钱不容易,花钱也格外谨慎。现在英国经济也是一样。大家都不想花太多钱,以备雨天。英镑外汇率大跌,银行宣布减息,股市波动起伏,这些都在发生中,我也学到了什么叫做 “无制约经融市场”。



New Experience in British University – Queen Mary


I have one week of enrollment before my classes begin at Queen Mary University of London. The University is on the East side of London in Zone 2 near Mile End tube station. The Regents canal is next to the school, with some student residences having a great view over the water. On top of this Victoria Park is just 10 minutes walk up the canal. My house is about 10 minutes walk to the University. I love walking along the canal area and visiting Victoria Pack at the weekend for leisure. The East End of London is a little poor and rough, but I found Queen Mary’s location to be great and very well connected – you can reach both Canary Wharf and Central London in 15 minutes.

Most students are undergraduates, although a there are plenty of postgraduates like me. There are maybe 4000 international students in the school and we all registered and received our student card and then chose our modules. I expect this will be a very new learning experience and I’m sure will be a lot of hard work. I hope I can handle it well. Our programme director is great and has provided us with a lot of information. Each of the module teachers took time to explain exactly what their module involves so you can choose the one that suits you most. I think it’s great! You get to know the teachers and what you will expect in the class. Fantastic. Moreover, I just paid 5 pounds to join the Fashion Society Group. I’m not sure what is it, but it sounds my style. I also joined the Asia group to meet more friends. We will see.

离正式开学还有几天,开学前个星期是搞登记注册啊,学生证和选择课程之类的东西。皇后玛利伦敦大学坐落在市中心的东部,学校有一条运河刚好坐落在学校里面,位于学生宿舍正对面,学校还蛮大的,维多利亚公园离学校10分种。我们家离学校也是10分钟路程,学校的位置去哪里都蛮方便的,去Canary Wharf 金融中心15分钟巴士,去市中心10到30分钟地铁,去伦敦塔骑自行车15分钟就到,Sainsbury超市10分钟就到,十分方便。

