Principles of Life(生活的原则)

What are your principles? You may not have thought about it so directly. Principles are what you think is right and wrong. They are the rules that guide you. They are what tells you if it’s right to steal, even though no one will ever know. Whether it’s right to cheat, even though no one will ever find out. Whether it’s right to hurt someone just because you can.

Principles are not only for yourself, they are for your family, for your society, and for your country. I’ve read in the news that China’s economy is becoming stronger and that our life is getting better and better, but when people in other countries still think that our products and our reputation is cheap; that we copy everything, make fake products, pirate DVD, then I wonder how much credibility we really have.

I am positive that our country and some people have made tremendous contributions to China. Take Haier and Shanghai Tang as examples. They’ve both become international Chinese brands. China needs more enterprises like these, more to increase not only our economy, but also our standing in the world.

Sometimes I feel bad about the way we are perceived. A lot of the time the problem is one of principles. People like the easy way to make more money; to make their life more enjoyable; to not work so hard like others. Some people think it’s the smart way, and they believe it’s the most efficient way. They lose their principles or faith when they face the temptation.

Principles also affect our everyday life. Do you work hard because you want to succeed, or do you secretly hope that someone will come and rescue you so you don’t need to do anything? What make your life not empty, so that you are not like someone who has lost their faith and just joins the big crowd? Principles can make you not just like toys or animals. They can make you feel like you have a brain and wisdom to think what is right and what is wrong.

To be in this new generation brings with it new responsibilities. We have better education, a more international culture; we have our own thoughts and our own dream to pursue. We can do better than our parents. However, should we focus only on material gains? Is a new car, house, or TV the road to happiness? Our principles may cause us to ask ‘what can I do for my country?’ As well as taking from the country we need to give back to it. We need to ensure that while we grow economically strong it is not at the expense of reputation. Life is not just about taking; it’s also about giving.

I will try and make sure I stick to my principles.



有没有生活的原则,这小到个人道德的问题,再到你家庭教育的问题,大到影响到中国社会的原则。虽近年来,中国的经济实力增长无可否认,人民生活水平也有所提高,但说到中国的名声及产品,给外国人的第一印象还是产品不精致,便宜,仿冒,造假,盗版光碟及信用度不高等;像最出名的(Google-谷歌)中国的版本(Baidu-百度) ICQ变到中国几亿人口都在用的腾讯QQ;站在我们的角度,不是说提倡中国版本不好,外国版本中国化,改装到更适合中国人喜欢的版本,更贴中国人的心;但对外国人来说,不仅是侵犯到他们的版权及名誉问题,还盗用他们的研发劳动成果。

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Backstreet Jazz Bar

There are only 2 jazz bars in Guangzhou. One is the Blue Note, where my friends band has been performing for several couple years (although they had to perform in the Garden Hotel – everyday I can listen to live jazz music between 6pm – 7 pm). The other one is the Backstreet Jazz Bar, situated in the lovely surroundings of Guangzhou’s Ersha Island. Around the corner is the Xinghai Concert Hall, and at the end of the street is the Pearl River. You can’t be any better situated. And also it’s one of the few areas where you can enjoy a walk in peace.

The bar is a two storey glass building set inside a bamboo forest. A lower ‘Jazz’ floor opens out into a small upstairs restaurant area, and the two are joined together, and with the outside world, by a complicated series of stairs, bridges, and sliding doors. The decor is dark, metallic, and subdued, with lots of glass and mirrors. Look very modern, fancy, and you feel naked, like you are walking in the air. Pretty cool.

The restaurant ostensibly serves Latin-American styled food, although it borders on the generic American Italian. The prices are high and portions are small. Drinks, although available in a wide array of forms, are equally served in small quantities. Ask for a glass of wine and you’ll think yourself the butt of a joke; drink it fast otherwise the meagre serving will evaporate.

The staff are nice and friendly, and some of them are from other countries of Asian who speak English only. The restaurant is focusing on attracting foreign people in Guangzhou so English speaking staff is necessary. The food itself is very tasty.

At around 8.30 a quartet of musicians arrive on the tiny downstairs stage, boasting musicians from Canada, Russia, Brazil, and China. Quite a mix. A smooth talking Geraldo Lucio sings, trying his best to draw the small crowd into the music. Herein lies the main problem with the Backstreet: it’s too big and the crowds are too small. The music is excellent, and Lucio prowls the audience trying to get some feedback, but they are too thin and from a very different cultural background to provide him what he wants.

To cut a long story short, we enjoyed the food and the new jazz band. The band only stay here for 2 months. So if anyone who like jazz and want to experience different music passion, I highly recommend it’s worth to be there and enjoy the music.

Show this month

Backstreet Jazz invited Sebastian Schunke on October 2007 to perform in GZ. Jazz fans, don’t miss this chance

9.10. Guangzhou, BackStreet, Jazz Club, 21.45 -23.45
10.10. Guangzhou, Back Street Jazz Club, 21.45- 23.35

在广州爵士吧只有两间,一间是“蓝调”在淘金路,一间在二沙岛的星海音乐学院的隔壁,叫“后街爵士餐厅& 酒吧”,在一个很隐蔽的地方,外面都是绿色的灯和竹子为起来的,只是看到“后街”用大红色的灯格外突出,楼进门的楼梯都用玻璃做成的,再由一道自动的铁门进入,里面的装修很有品位和时尚,里面基调都是红色和透明的玻璃的结合,连过道都是一道磨沙玻璃连接起来的,二楼是餐厅,7-8张桌子,后面是一个长长的调酒吧台,陈列和几百种酒;楼下是一个摆放Live的乐队的乐器,和10几张吧台和很 Cozy的沙发,装修来说,无懈可击,就想JAZZ 一样充满鲜红的热情,象玻璃一样能看穿人们的心理…


说到重心点:一只好的爵士乐队才是餐厅的灵魂,9:30乐队才开始演出,钢琴手从加拿大请来的叫Doug Louie ( 后来和他们成为好朋友之后我才知道人家的来历都还不小呢,想过来这边看看中国,还有一个多重国际的巴西人事Geraldo Lucio,和一个刚从上海请来的鼓手Tom Lee, 大提琴低音是由我朋友现在在花园酒店表演中跳选过去的,算是一个很难得的结合;我之前因为朋友生日,去过“后街”一次,说是澳大利亚来的女歌手,真是一般再一般啊;因为我在上海希尔顿听过很专业的爵士再说这么多年对爵士的热爱,你就会知道什么是好,什么是不好;所以,这次他们的新组合真的很棒!真希望广州能多点爵士听众!长话短说,可惜这只乐队在这里逗留的时间仅限两个月;所以“后街”这只新的乐队是值得大家去听一下的,感受不同音乐带来的给你不同感受•

2005年曾来中国香港/广州/上海/深圳演出;因自己错过德他们首次在广州的表演爵士乐队的表演而感到遗憾,昨天收到他的经理人对广大爵士歌迷的宣布: 10月份Sebastian Schunke终于再次到中国,广州,表演。这次到10月9-10号在广州的后街爵士餐厅表演,我一定不会错过的.

I love my hometown – Shantou



老是想写点什么关于汕头的,但由于工作,一直没有很多时间去动笔;直到看到涵了点关于汕头的,才让我有灵感写下几段话跟大家分享。汕头-一个让我感到骄傲的城市,一个我土生土长的地方,它的空气,它的土地是抚养育我成长,认识我的所有朋友都知道我总为是汕头人为自豪,而给我一个称号 “特区青年”,。


一个给我美好童年, 塑造我独立个性, 恩赐我许多疼爱我的朋友们; 我总为我小学时候11 人帮而骄傲, 我老做带头羊跟他们去 “攻城” , 早上5: 30 在我楼下停车场打羽毛球; 放学后到四五个哥们到 我家打麻将; 我们就像电影中的 ( Eleven Ocean ) 11罗汉, 可惜他们个个都是学习上的精英成绩都在top 10 , 从不会被老师骂; 每次去哪里玩, 出事背黑锅的一定是我, 可怜的我! 虽我们11罗汉现在分散世界各地, 个个都为自己的将来而奋斗, 聚少散多, 但彼此的默契是永远不会磨灭的, 直到现在我们都个很好得姐妹兄弟, 我为有他们而骄傲.这是我人生中最开心的求学第一阶段。



中专篇 - (觉悟的年代)

一个让我锻炼英文的基地, 在许多十分聪明和多才多艺的同学中,给与我三年时间去了解他们,互相学习。在树造我的个性,大家出了很多功劳,永远忘记不了第一年在东夏路操场上的体育课,音乐课,哈哈,大家都是多么天真无邪;和旖旎在出演“小红帽”的英文话剧,到第二,三年时候,中午被逼要在学校吃饭,楼下的“沙县”啊姨长期照顾;,在大型电影院的“Do Re Mi” 歌剧,回想起来时间的流逝, 中专是我第二个最开心的求学阶段。



人生的三分之一在求学阶段,我总对自己说自己是多么幸运,汕头给我快乐人生的三分之一,我也希望我人生的三分之二也是这么的幸运。一个让我永远有归属感的地方,空气都比外面新鲜十倍,汕头人总有种“倍思亲”的传统,虽然在外,心总在汕头,从小到现在总想为汕头贡献的什么,以后有钱也会为我可爱的汕头贡献,这是我的心愿;所以年少的心总想到外面看看世界,体验下外面有多大,不同新鲜的事物,喜欢改变又害怕改变的矛盾心里,喜欢在摸索中学习,满足自己的好奇心,希望不辜负父母给我的这一条生命。 没有来过汕头的朋友们,记得要来这个美丽的小城市! 很快我会附上从小学到初中到中专我的相片。

Black and White


You might think “black and white” party? No, there is an interesting topic about different about complexion in China and the West.

My western friends keep asking me “ why the Chinese always like taking the umbrella wherever sunshine is coming out?” people like be tanned or have a brown skin in the west. On the opposite, people in mainland China prefer their skin to look very white even like pale. There are several reasons for that. The big reason for white skin because Chinese men like women to look white. If women look white, it means they are week and innocent and men can protect them. The others reason is that white skin means they are rich, dark skin means they are working outdoors all the time, not an properly ladies.

However, in the west, people like to be tanned a lot and it represents healthy and fashion. It means people have more time for outdoors or on holidays and it is a rich symbol.

The same thought has appeared in most cultures. Hundreds of years ago it was a sign of beauty in Europe for a woman to be white, and this was for the exact same reasons: being white implied you were not working class, being dark implied you were a worker. At that time women used to apply all sorts of dangerous chemicals to their face to make it whiter. Queen Elizabeth I is famous for wearing lead powder, a chemical that we now know as being toxic to humans.

I’m sure the same will happen in China and over time having a tan will be a sign of wealth.





Congfu Tea Culture


Congfu Tea , talking about Congfu tea it made me have a thought about another different culture in between Chinese and Western country.

Cong Fu tea, which is popular in Chaoshan area of Guangdong and the south of Fujian, is integrated with many aspects of tea such as spirit, ceremony, tea-making technique, and quality commentary. Regulations are made for the tea sets, tea-leaves and water, and its making, teaing and serving. It’s wonderful beyond words to sip and taste tea slowly and carefully with the small pot and cups. The fragrant of tea is divide several like green tea Tieguanyin, brown tea Oolong tea etc. As a chaoshanese from Shantou we are not only proud of our Congfu tea culture, every one also know how to make Congfu tea. but today we aren’t talking about how to make the Congfu tea; we are going to talk about the core of Congfu tea spirit.

Western people normally there have four dairy drinking cultures. One is coffee culture or British brown tea with milk and sugar one, the Coke drinking and the sparking water. In west, people drinking or eating are very individual way because people are more emphasis on what you own like and respect the other people’s choice. Western people are prefer to their own characteristics and specialties.

In Chaoshan or even the China, we are more emphasis on the group. My foreign friends always say Chinese like to follow the leader; Like if a shop has many people on the line waiting; other people might think it’s the nice shop, then follow the group. We like have a big drink or big meal like Hot-pot and everyone share with the same pot. Like Congfu tea, congfu tea always have 3 cups or more than 3 cups; it means all the people are sitting around the tea-set and talk in a group. It’s like a small party with serving a Congfu tea. That’s why people in China always say Chaoshaneses have the coherence of all the Chanshan people; I think it’s naturally form from our dairy life eating & living and become a culture.

It’s just funny that when I had a congfu tea with friends and talked about Congfu tea spirit and I realized it’s true that the different living style form in different culture, and I suggest sometimes these two opposite culture should exchange. Let Chinese experience more individual more; let westerners enjoy more group spirit.





Cheers to the friendship


When we get older, we realise that we can not spend as much time as used to be with friends. One reason is that people grow up. Friends after school go to different paths. For example, some of friends work in different cities; some are too busy to fly over different cities or countries; some even live in the same city but they feel too far and lazy to catch up with friends. However, people’s attitudes and values are changing and we meet more new friends every day.

There are ways to maintain the relationship with old friends is to communicate more. Although the feel for the old friends have not changed much, we need to make effort to keep the relationship updated as well as the world is changing.

Some people might think that they don’t want to bother their friends, but friends might not feel the same way. Take me as an example, I love friends bothering me. I feel very useful to be needed and that is why I love social gathering with friends such as hold a party. The reason for that is too see and catch up with old friends.

It is sad when I think of my best friends are so far way. One of my best friend Shine – we finally arranged to see each other again in the cafe after 1 year and an half, but during our conversation, she kept watching her watch and explained she got 30 minutes before rushing to the airport. I felt so little time to catch up with her, but this is life.

I know she is always being somewhere for me whenever I need her. They are not friends anymore, but are members of the family.

Friend is forever and let us treasures friendship. This is why for – no matter how far I am; I always share my stories with my friends.

Cheers to friendship!



我喜欢朋友麻烦我,这意味这朋友需要你,他们需要帮助时候想到你。这就是我喜欢搞派对的原因,因为我希望除了大家开心之余,也跟好朋友多点聚聚,分享多点你的生活,不会因时间或空间而变得疏远。 真的很伤感但你觉得你最好的朋友离你那么远,她好忙而你经常不能见到她。我们多想珍惜我们的友谊啊,时而能见见面喝喝茶谈谈天,但聚少散多已是事实。象下午,涵在去白云机场飞去西安之前过来看我了下,我们在酒店旁边的“陆街”Café 坐下来,我几乎1年半多没见到她了,我们的谈话也变得很赶,她老对手机看时间,跟我说我们只有半小时,天啊,我们真的有很多很多话要讲,但我知道她真的很赶时间, 晚上她跟我说,差一分钟飞机就飞走了。但是在我心里我多想留住她啊。

当然我还是那样的爱她,她对我的感情也是这样,无论怎么样,当我需要她时候,她永远在我身边。虽我们会有越来越多的新朋友出现在你生命中,但你永远希望跟你最好的死党跟你分享你的喜和悲,他们不再是你的朋友那么简单,他们是你家庭成员的一份子。每次当你想到这些问提, 它令你思考,让你沉思。 但无论如何,朋友是永远的,我们好好珍惜他们。这也是我办网站的原因,让我所有朋友无论身在何处,都知道我是多么的想他们。


Adopting an Eastern Child

I went to Baiyun Airport in Guanghzou today for working and something inspired me to write in my blog today. When I walked inside I saw a party of about 10 couples from the west holding a Chinese or Asian child in each of their arms. All the children had eastern faces. I sat there and noticed that there was another couple that had an eastern boy who couldn’t talk English at all; obviously his parents are from American by their accent. Then I went back home and grabbed a bite to eat in Mc Donald’s, and there I saw more couples with eastern children again.

Actually, I saw a lot of these situations in consulates nearby in Shamian, which is where Guangzhou’s Pearl River is. Then I went back home and coincidently saw a program from ABC News 20/20—“aging out” talking about the thousands of orphaned children in American who are waiting to have a home again, or to be adopted. Well. It sounds dramatic, but it did happen today.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence to see all this adoption stuff, but it did make me think a lot. I like babies, and think it’s very sweet to see more orphan children being adopted. Nowadays new couples prefer to have there own child, as well as adopting a child from a poorer country. One of my teachers, Lima, who is pregnant, told me she will adopt children;she said: “We will adopt children from poor countries, because there are so many children who need a home or need to be loved.” I think this is a really good philosophy.

What I learnt from today, and what inspired me is “Love does make the world go around”. It shows us that love is not selfish or possessing. Love is giving and showing to a new born child and that they are a gift from Heaven. You can say there is more social welfare in the west and people don’t have to worry about life as much; Meanwhile, China is rapidly developing its economy and I wonder how many years it will take Chinese people to have this thought of giving and not just possessing? It always takes times.


今天因工作关系我到了广州白云机场,当我看到一个外国团体十几对夫妇都各抱着有着东方脸孔的小孩子, 他们都对孩子们十分疼爱。然后我在一个地方坐下,同时另一对有着美国口音的夫妇也在我身边走过,他们有个东方小孩,大约4/5 岁,根本不会说英语,自己拖着比他大十倍的行李箱活泼乱跳着;而当我饿了随便在麦当劳吃了快餐时,也被我看到了又一对美国夫妇自己有了一个孩子,另外在收养一个东方小孩。


我是个十分爱小孩的人,其实当我看到更多的夫妇收养更多的孩子,有种很温馨很温暖的感觉; 现在新一代的夫妇都喜欢自己生一个小孩收养另一个小孩,曾经是我的导师,现在正怀孕的Lima对我说:我们以后也想收养更多比较穷国家的小孩, 因为这个世界有太多的小孩需要一个家和需要被爱!多么感人的一番话啊。


Live for family or for yourself


I am an open-minded, rebellious girl. No matter whether in work, in relationships, or in life, I always want to be happy. I know who I am, what I need to do, and what I live for. I don’t care how other people judge me; only that I do my job well. I know if something has too many additions from the normal way, then it will change from the original. Sometimes things that happen in your life make you face your own reality.

My parents are a very traditional family in the Chaoshan area; Chaoshan people are famed for their caring attititude towards their family. I know many friends who have sacrificed their career to stay with the parents in Shantou. They are all very talented and they devote themselves to their family; they give up their dreams and live and work in their hometown. I am not saying that’s wrong or right. Nothing is wrong or right when you see them in a different position. I don’t know why Chinese parents always hope their children should live with them
and keep them in their vision?

My personal dream is this: parents should let children to experience what is life; let life teach them what the real world is about. Then you will try you best to earn money to devote to your hometown. I know it’s my untouchable dream,but I always hope I could do that.

However, I think we are a new generation; we have our own mind, our own dreams, we are educated and we have learnt about different cultures. Is this a reason to give up your own dreams and follow your parents? What about yourself? What do you live for? My friend Shine said: “because you belong to your family”. In Chinese tradition, parents raise you so you can’t belong to yourself. It’s one of the drawbacks. Though we choose to live our life in different towns, even our heart feels tired to strive against life sometimes; everyone wants to
settle down easily in life without worrying about things.

Will we be happy in the life our parents choose for us? Will their happiness be the same as our happiness? Different people have different paths in their life, and there are many routes with no choices. Human beings can’t always be selfish. I prefer that my parents respect my choices and what my life is; but not necessarily the way they want it to be. I hope my parents will respect my choices and wish me happiness. If I am happy, then they will be happy as well. If they really love and understand me, they will respect what I choose and not
interfere with my lifestyle; they will be my guides and teachers, and not force me to down a path of their choosing. If that happens then people become rebellious and struggle against it.

People always have ups and downs and you can only learn from your own mistakes. You have to take your own path to experience what life is to truly learn something inside. Maybe I will walk very hard but I hope I can look back on my life and say that I have finished it without regret.

No matter where I am, my body floats in the world, but my heart is still in Shantou. I love my hometown; I love my family. Without them, there would be no Carmen. But I hope this love is based on a respect and trust that goes both ways.



我伟大的梦想。 那我觉得,我们年轻一族,有思想,有抱负,接受不同文化的熏陶,就为了父母想你留在他们身边而放弃自己理想吗?那你追求的生活呢?我朋友涵涵说:“因为你还是属于你家庭,中国传统父母养育 让你不能属于你自己,这也是中国一大弊端吧。虽然出門在外奋斗,内心永远有种累感觉,我们可以理解一个做父母亲心情,他们也不想我们奋斗太辛苦。”我们何尝不想安安稳稳轻松的过日子,但你经历多,有了不同的生命价观,思想就不是很单纯的满足物质生活,而是想充实精神生活。



My Poet to John


One trip has changed my life.
Angel sent you to make me smile.
I feel our love is growing.
I’m not one of those who can easily hide.
Love is fragile and should be held tight

I’m falling in love
But I’m scared to let you go
You always tell me “ don’t worry baby”
You make me believe what is “love”

No matter how painful was it before.
You make my fair-tale story become true.
No matter how the story will be end.
You told me your life is just beginning

So many things are waiting for us to experience
How wonderful life it is while you are in my world.



Look up the fingernail noon,
With a sentimental mood.
Sunbathe in dark light
With a blue night.
Guide your home line
With stars bright.

Flying clouds over your head
Blowing winds crush your hair
With a usual slight fragrance
Peaceful, silent, darkness

Moon behind clouds
Winds become strong,
Light becomes vague
A strike of coldness from winds
A drop, two drops, three drops…

The oil painting is one of my favourtie from Amo Life