About Carmen

Love jazz and good food

Halloween – Soul meets body

09 Halloween

My ex-colleagues asked me to attend her house Halloween Party, so I was so excited about it. We all dressed up and I was a fashionable devil. And Rachel was a zombie ‘Alice in wonderland’. Men all dressed up as zombie women, it was awesome and crazy.

I had a lot of fun and friends were very crazy when it comes to party. Sometimes I do think I am too old for partying anymore, and I just don’t have the energy keep drinking and dancing…Urg. I am officially admitting I am getting old.

So I left at 9:30, then went to take the tube back home with my scary make-up on. You can imagine that how many people were staring at me in that time. Some looked at me and had a question mark in their head; some came to say fantastic to me; and some were laughing and thinking so halloween. I don’t care slightly at all…it was fun to dress up and had a good time with my friend.

It’s my first being crazy in Halloween here. I do miss my old party time of halloween with Yuki and Jenie in GZ. Here are more crazy pictures.


Glad to see friends again

Autumn in London

Since I had been away from London, I was busy meeting my old friends, plus facebook has blocked in China. So that I couldn’t update news with my friends. Back to London, first thing is to meet up with Eileen and Vicky at the weekend. We went to eat in a korean restaurant, and had a walk near London eye, where we normal walk after dinner.

Eileen has her hair cut short and told me some changes of her life. Vicky has a new boyfriend and they seem doing well. I am glad for them whether it’s good or bad to have some change in life, and we all do. I am so happy to catch up with them and hear different stories.

John and I have been thinking that I might have some driving lessons here and get a drive license soon. It cost 20 pound per hour, and need 30 lessons at least to learn how to drive. John said it won’t be easy and I know my ex-manager was failed to get his license, and it is so scared to think how difficult it will be. I guess it’s all about practicing and experience. Wish me luck and hope I don’t waste the money. There are always so much pressure in life. Urg…

My Autumn New Collection shoes

My shoes

Nice back to London and have my own space and life back. I do feel sad to leave my family and niece, as well as good friends in GZ. I had a fabulous time in GZ and Shantou. Thanks all the friends’ dinners and treats in China.

As a shoes lover, I also bought some of the new shoes back to London. I especially like the new blue boots it costs me hundreds of ‘Chairman Mao’ but I just love it so much and it’s very comfortable to walk. While I organised my clothes and shoes, I took some pictures to remind me how many pair of shoes I have. I don’t think it’s many pairs because I am a greedy girl. John always thinks I spend too much on shoes and shopping. Haha…

London is 9 to 15 degrees, and it’s Autumn towards Winter. We properly will see bonfire next week and go to see Mew’s concert soon. We will go to have dinner with my London friends this weekend to catch up. Look forward to seeing them.

Shantou – relax, food & family


Back to Shantou

The most important thing in Shantou is to see my niece – Sissy. I remember she was born for a week then I left Shantou, and now she is 14 months and learning how to walk and talk. She is incredible smart and adorable.

Mum and Dad are very happy to see me being home, especially Mum, she always cooks so many food, and I don’t even need to get out of the house. I love our new house in central of Shantou with enormous rooms and space for niece to play. Actually I do very little at home, basically just relax, eat food, help Mum do some house work, and then spend time with niece ( I enjoy being a babysitter. )

However, I haven’t seen much of my Shantou friends. Some of them are in Guangzhou or Shenzhen, or most of them are married and expecting a child.

Though sometimes I got bored in Shantou, maybe because I am so used to the busy life in metropolitan cites or maybe I don’t realise I am in holiday.

I can’t believe that it will be ended soon with few days. The irony thing is that I quite look forward back to London, to have my own life back, moreover I do miss John a lot. Anyway, John and I will be back to China together soon in next few months.

I always love my home town no matter where I am.





Guangzhou – Too Much Fun

Guangzhou - too much fun

Back to Guangzhou

I was so looking forward back to China. There are two things I have to do; one is to eat a lot of chinese food, and to see my friends. I arrived on Thursday night after 12 hours plane plus 3 hours couch from HK airport, but I was still very excited to meet Casper and Shine. They have been waiting for me at ‘Uncle’ which is a HK canteen style restaurant to have dinner with me. However, I was not aware of Yuki and other friends had booked a table to welcome me. At the end, I hanged out with all my friends at my first night.

The whole Guangzhou trip was so busy that I didn’t have time to feel jet-leg. First day, I had dimsum with my ex-colleagues, and went to visit their new office. It did feel weird, and felt like I had never left before. Anyway, it’s so good to see them again.

Then friends had arranged a trip to Yangjiang at the weekend. We were so lucky to eat a lot of seafood which just caught from the ocean. After dinner, we went to have firework on the beach, then ate again. Thanks Jenie’s husband for their hospitality, so that we ate, slept and entertained well. It was a unforgettable journey.

The rest days in Guangzhou I ate with friends and went to foot / body massages basically every night. It wasn’t enough to spend one week in Guangzhou, then I have to back to Shantou to see my family.

It’s hard to say goodbye to my Guangzhou friends! I wish I could be here forever.




接下来的每天都是朋友请我吃饭,按摩,吃点心。这次再和啊娜见了面,她真客气,还请了我们吃顿1千多的饭,谢谢她的有心!我的广州之旅真是奢侈和开心。我真的要谢谢所有广州的朋友们,爱你们在心口难开啊,没有你们,就没有我今天的开心。 实在不舍得和你们说再见,不过我会再回去和你们见面的。等我喔!

Exciting going back to China

back to China

Since 08/08/2008 last year till today 09/09/2009, I have been away from China and my friends for over 1 year. It seems very long, but it also feels like just yesterday. I guess I could not adjust the weather when I am back to Guangzhou. The weather here in London is perfect temperature about 19-25 degrees, however, Guangzhou is about 35 degrees and very humid. Then I properly will spend one week to adjust the jet-leg.

All these things do not matter when I think of meeting friends, eating delicious food and spending time with my niece and family. The joy will be overcome the bad sides. Yuki and other friends plan to drive to Yangjiang and eat seafood there at the weekend I arrive. On one hand, I can’t wait flying on Tuesday. On the other hand, I do feel sad that John could not join me back to China this time, maybe we will be back during the Chinese New year Next year!

One sad thing is that sister told me Mum has rented out our old house. It means that the house where I had spent 20 years is gone – my white cat, my usual place, and everything. Although the house is old and small, it contains all the memories of my childhood, friends who came to visit, and normal life. I know that sooner or later it will need to be re-decorate it, or sell it, but I will miss it so much!

Anyway, see you soon, my friends! Thanks Trini of her bubble tea and Shantou pictures!



但这些都不要紧,一想到见到老朋友和吃很多中餐,海鲜及最重要是见我姐的女儿,从她出生到现在1年了,我很想念希希!Yuki 已经安排好到达的周末去阳江吃海鲜!我太兴奋了。下周二就飞,但我又舍不得约翰一个人在伦敦,可惜他不能请假太久回去,过年我们再一起回去吧。

一个很伤心的消息,老姐告诉我我家的老房子租给别人了,老房子储存了我20年生活的点滴 - 从小学到中专,朋友来来回回去我家作客,老家虽旧,但很多朋友都感觉是他们的另一个窝。我可怜的白猫,很多角落的点滴,回忆就这样很快消失了。其实我知道老家需要重新专修或租出去的,只是时间问题,我会想念它的!


Farewell dinner with colleagues

Farewell dinner

Colleagues decided to eat in a really nice Italian restaurant near Oxford street. It properly was not the last dinner with my them, but I am glad that I got alone very well with most of the colleagues after 2 months and a half working in the company. Even though most of my colleagues are younger, crazier than me, they are smart and awesome.

It’s hard always to say goodbye to people, even though you know some of them you might not see them anymore in your life. It is nice to meet new people and share experience with them. This is life, people come and people go.

Thanks my friends and colleagues. Life is dull without their existence.

同事们说一起去吃意大利菜,虽然我知道这不是我们的大家的最后一餐,以后大家还会经常联系。还是感到十分开心在公司工作了2个多月,认识了这么多位不同国际的好朋友 - 他们虽都年轻和疯狂过我,但大家相处下来还是十分愉快的。人和人的缘分是很难说的,有些和你超好,很喜欢你,但有些只是路过而已。


Mango Catwalk Show in Oxford Street

Mango Catwalk Show

Mango Shop had a fashion show on Sunday night to train the employees about this new autumns’ collection. The company had provided drinks and snack food. It was a fantastic ideas and people had great fun to perform and to watch. Because the models were all the volunteers of the employees, and not by hired model, so that the atmosphere was extraordinate lively. I am glad that I was part of it and had some laugh with people. You can see more pictures from here.

我们被邀请参加西班牙店Mango在繁华商业街Oxford Street举行的一场不正式的catwalk 表演。主办方还专门提供了酒水和食物。据说是对今年秋装时尚的一场培训 - 搞场catwalk 表演好过无聊的时尚培训。模特都是mango的自愿表演的工作人员,所以什么体型的模特都有。就因为这个原因,让气氛更加轻松自如。我也和很多朋友和公司员工一起享受这场秋装服装秀。这里有更多照片可以看。

Riding boat and bicycle in Lee Valley

happy weekend

Melanie and Paul came to London to catch up with us and friends at the weekend. At Saturday, we walked down to Regent Canal next to Mile End (my university) for 1 hour to reach the Broadway Market in Hackney, which is like borough market selling fresh home-made food and cakes, and different items. It is a lively trendy area, and there are many young fellows always hanging out in the market.

Paul and Mel loved the atmosphere and so many fresh food we wanted to eat and buy. Paul brought a sandwich with German sausage. For me, I went for a big beef burger, and John and Mel went to queue for the fancy veggie burgers. Afterwards, we all brought some cheese cake and stuff ourselves.

It was a great lunch and I always love to being there. Then we walked to Angel and rested with some drink, then back home relaxing. In that night all of us went to eat in a restaurant called Project A next to the canal with Paul’s friends, later evening, all head to the pub in Hoxton.

With the big sunny hot day, we decided to head to Lee valley to do some outdoor sports. First, we had our picnic in the private garden, then riding a boat for an hour. The funny things was I had never riding a boat before, and I was really bad with it. Paul and John seems got it ok and we had some laugh and enjoyed the sunbath.

One hour later, we rode the bicycle next to the canal. Surprisedly, Mel got bitten by wasp! Poor Mel. That was an amazing weekend and all of us had a great time. Here is the latest pictures.

约翰妹妹梅乐尼和男友Paul来周末来伦敦,我们带他们去百老会新鲜市场,沿着我学校的河边走乐1个多小时,终于到了市场,看着很多新鲜的食物和蛋糕,我们都流口水拉。 Paul决定吃德国香肠三文治,我却选择了牛肉汉堡包。梅乐尼和约翰选择了超级受欢迎的素食汉堡包,梅乐尼说,那个汉堡包是她吃过最好吃的!然后我们大家又买了芝士蛋糕,吃到好饱好饱!


这周又热又大太阳,隔天我们决定开车去我们之前去过的lee valley骑单车和野餐!先野餐填饱肚子,然后去租了划艇,我的划艇技术实在太差了,所以该为约翰和Paul一起努力划艇!然后买了雪糕吃,再骑单车。可怜的梅乐尼被蜜蜂叮了下,害得她又疼又哭笑不得。这样我们就结束了一个休闲的周末拉。这里有我们些照片看!

Hot Sunshine in London

hot summer July

It has been so hot in these days, but with some breeze, not like China, it was incredible humid. Sometimes I enjoy my scoop of the ice-cream from the ice cream man or some drinks in a cafe to have a rest.

It was shock to hear that Michael Jackson was passed away and he was a legend to a lot of people. Although I am not a fan of MJ, I remember one of my cousin used to play MJ’s songs when I was young, that’s all the memories I have for MJ.

Recently we run out movies and TV series, however, we don’t have much time in the evening. We have been thinking where to live in next year or what we will do in next year. We might move out city of London and live in the country side even though we both love living in the city of London so much. However, it’s another step to achieve something in our life. We will see…Wish us luck!


这几天进入夏天最热的时候,伦敦地铁没有空调的,因整个地铁系统已经有几百年历史,虽然热,但凉风阵阵。有时候天太热,街上有‘冰淇淋车’ 可以买冰淇淋吃,或是坐在cafe外面喝杯东西,享受着阳光,这就是我工作之余的休息方式。

